Then the person orders a Chanel bag and goes along their merry way. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But I will tell you why you get the most bang for your buck with Gucci replica handbags:
- The leather used on the replicas is SUPERB quality. And because real Gucci bags use a lot of leather, the replicas do too. You are getting a lot for your money when you invest in a Gucci handbag;
- Gucci replica bags are built to last. I have never had one, NOT ONE, person write me back with a complaint that something broke, something came apart or something fell off. NOT ONE;
- The classic good style of Gucci goes with everything. You can be 22 and in a night club or you can be, well, me 38, pregnant, and planted daily in a boardroom (not this week though - have I complained enough about this yet?);
- Gucci bags are the work horses of the handbag world. Yes, they are the Rottweilers or the Dobermans of the handbag world, in both real and replica worlds. They are tough, built to last again, and can take whatever you put in them. Of the few real Prada bags that I have purchased, I tried to overfill them and in my heart, I always had the feeling that the bag was going to snap (they usually did - and yes, those bags were REAL Pradas);
- Gucci has a presence that I find is impenetrable. It's so strong that it's if I'm carrying a Gucci bag I feel like the world knows what it is. I don't get that feeling when I carry my Hermes, Balenciaga, Chloe or Mulberry bags. In fact, most of those brands, with the exception of Balenciaga and Chloe, get blank stares.
And without further ado, here is the new Techno Large handbag in awesome BLUE!
Yes, I'm in love and normally I'd be like, but it's blue! I can't wear blue to the office. Oh Yes, I Can! I think that shade would go with anything and would add that much needed colour in my wardrobe. The grey and blue pin stripe suits could use this kind of sprucing up!
And the picture that makes or breaks a bag:
The relative size one. What does it look like when being carried? I base 99% of my I gotta get that bag or not decision on that last picture. That tells me SO MUCH more than W33cm x H30cm x D15cm.
The new Gucci Techno Large handbag is $270USD and that includes shipping to most areas!
Happy Shopping!!