Friday, April 16, 2010

3.1 Phillip Lim

So what's that state called where you're like beyond boredom.  Like exhaustively bored.  Oh, never mind, just think of me and you'll get the idea. 

I am really bed resting today.  Yesterday my big trip was to the doctor's office and then to the hospital for some tests and then home.  Today, it's just home.  MY. GOD. I'M. BORED.  For all those that have asked, baby is healthy...for now.  *Fingers, toes and anything else crossed*

Moving right along, there's a new designer to the replica world.  He has ONE handbag (he should meet Nicholas G from Balenciaga - seriously!) that is creating quite some rage - The Edie:

I don't know.  Well, I do know.  It's DEFINITELY not me but we're not like other blogs here where we make fun of you if you do like this bag.  That's okay. 

I personally find the bag very, very cute however I have no need for a purse.  I used to do purses in my early 20's.  Then I became a career woman and since then I've always needed a larger handbag.  Then I became a mom and needed the larger purse and a large SUV or Mini Van! 

So like I said before, this is a new designer to the replica world and so right now only the Edie is being replicated.  I'm sure his other stuff will get produced very soon.  3.1 Phillip Lim Clothing is awesome too.  I am hoping, during this downtime, TO FINALLY GET THAT CLOTHING SITE UP AND RUNNING.  I mean I might as well. 

After all, what else am I gonna do?

Happy Shopping!!