I remember the lady walking in, a very prominent trader in Toronto, holding the bag and I distinctly remember that the bag was still pretty new. I could smell the leather and see how exquisite the bag was. I was instantly in love and I still remember saying, man, I gotta get a power bag like that. I ended up buying a lot of Chloe bags over the years and then I realized that a good replica gives me exactly that same feeling. It's how YOU carry the bag and not how the bag carries you.
Having said that, here is the new(ish) Chloe Marcie smalll sized bag. Ahhhh....
It is a revamped version of the Paraty, which did well for Chloe but I don't think it got the response they were expecting. The Paraty also had a $3,500.00 price tag and I'm sure that didn't help matters. It's very hard to justify a $3,500.00 price tag for a "smaller" brand like Chloe. I know they're not small but in the eyes of LV, Prada or Chanel, Chloe is not anywhere near as well known.
But I love the quality that comes with the Chloe name tag. I love their bags' uniqueness and I love that their styles are pretty much never replicated. I also am one of those people who very much enjoy being a little different from the herd. I prefer an obscure or less well known company over the very popular LVs or Chanels. To me, I appreciate not being gawked at with wonders if the bag is real or not. I like that someone looks at a bag that I'm carrying and says Firkin, instead of Birkin or calls it a "Chhhloe" instead of "Khloe". I like brands that are not mainstream.
There is nothing wrong with liking brands that are uber huge and uber popular. It all comes down to preference.
The Marcie comes in two sizes. The small ones above which really are not that small.
There's also a large Marcie
Right now, I only have the large Marcie handbags in the crocodile pattern in black and brown.
As far as crocodile patterns go, this is a very good job. I do like it a lot. If however you are picky and need a bag that looks as real as possible, then you know, from reading this blog, that a crocodile pattern is not the way to go. No matter how well the embossing of calf leather is done, someone with a good eye for leather will be able to spot that the bag is embossed and not real crocodile skin. That will be the dead giveaway that the bag is a replica.
Later on today, I am going to do another blog entry and do one of my famous (in my head they're famous, ok? Let me have some fun) comparisons to a real Marcie bag so that you can see how well a replica is done, when it's done right, that is. I will be comparing the large replica Marcie bag to a large real Marcie handbag I found on the Net-A-Porter site. Here is a picture of the real bag:
Happy Shopping!!