I'm gonna have a sale on Prada bags. Prada bags are awesome. They are very, very BEAUTIFUL bags but as I have said before, Prada, real and replica, are very, very fragile bags. They are not the work horses of the handbag world. Think of it in terms of dogs. You'd get a rottweiler or a doberman to watch your house, right? The last thing you'd get to guard your house is a teacup terrier or a chihuahua. You'd get those dogs because they are so damn cute but you know at the end of the day, those dogs are not going to keep you safe at night. That does not make them any less of a dog! You just have to have a pooch for the right job.
Prada bags are tantamount to teacup terriers and chihuahuas. Very, very nice and awesome to have around...not to do any heavy lifting or "work" for that matter.
Here are two Prada bags that I sell quite a bit. I can see why. This is a versatile bag in that you can easily go to client meetings with this and you can see how this bag would look FABULOUS dressed down with a pair of jeans and a t shirt.
I don't even have this bag on the site and I have people buying it. It is that wonderful. Of course, it would not be the House of Prada if it did not come in some very wonderful shade of brown.
Here's me trying to segue waying into the sale part (smoothly I might add :) ).
Buy any Prada bag from the site right now and get a free T-Shirt. You can get any T-shirt you want. I will put them up on the site shortly but here is a small slide show of the many, many styles I have:
Happy Shopping!!