Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mahina Changes

I will write about this here and then cover it again when the news is a bit more "official" on the LV website.  So here's the scoop, LV has changed the colour of the lining in the black Mahina bags (of all sizes).  It used to be a light camel-ish brown but from hereon in it will be a black colour that matches the bag itself.

I need to stress this here:  THIS IS NOT A REPLICA ISSUE.  This is LV making changes, like they usually, do to their collections and spiffying them up for a new year.  Chanel, Balenciaga and Gucci often make small changes to their bags to distinguish fine tune them from year to year.

So if you order a black Mahina from me, ONE OF MY BEST SELLING BAGS, and I have a doozy of a kick ass replica of that bag, don't be surprised that you got a black lining.  Don't think it's a "inaccurate" replica and that you got ripped off.  It's normal and it's LV making the change.

Now before all of you race to the LV site to check the facts, you will see that almost all Mahinas in black are showing out of stock and pictures of the most popular black Mahinas, L and XL, are not even on the site.    This is right across all stores and all countries.  That's why I am mentioning it now and once I have the "official" screen cap or the official pictures, I can post them on this blog for all to see. 

I called the UK store this morning in London and spoke to a representative there that I have known for years.  She confirmed to me that the new black Mahinas that they just received for store model and window displays are indeed with a black lining. 

No reason to panic, folks.  Normal upgrade / change being instituted by the manufacturer themselves.

Happy Shopping!!