So naturally, it's like 9am and I'm already bored. Hubby's gone. Kids are gone. Work will not let me do Well, what to do? Sale time! I am running a mini blog on the website now and use this forum to run the meatier details (like showcasing bags, talking about a good replica vs. a bad one, telling you about my boring life, you know the deal etc.).
There is a new sale coming to town,
folks! I am on bed rest and am bored and so sales will be a plenty over
the next couple of days.

There is a great and well
known company called Mulberry (not
Burberry). Their bags are uber popular in Europe, and particularly in
the UK. They make very classic, low key and functional handbags out of
superb leather. I will be updating the Mulberry section of the website
today and tomorrow.
For a limited time (offer ends at the end of April), buy any Mulberry bag (or any Balenciaga bag) and get any Gucci wallet from the website for FREE!! As with any freebie, there are rules and regulations and I'll highlight those rules and regulations here.
For a limited time (offer ends at the end of April), buy any Mulberry bag (or any Balenciaga bag) and get any Gucci wallet from the website for FREE!! As with any freebie, there are rules and regulations and I'll highlight those rules and regulations here.
Here is a little slideshow of the different wallets available as a free gift.
Why a Mulberry bag with a Gucci wallet? It's never a good idea to go too matchy matchy with your handbag and wallet. It's not a mortal sin or a crime by any means, but you want to look stylish and you want to look like your tastes cross a large spectrum and so a handbag from Designer A with a wallet from another very popular make, Designer B, is always a smart way to go.
Don't get me wrong, there are instances where having a Chanel wallet and a Chanel handbag makes sense (like when only your Chanel wallet looks good and fits into your Chanel purse), but usually for day to day stuff, you wanna mix it up a bit to show your diverse nature!
Gucci replicas, to me, are superior and so the wallets, which you use daily, opening and closing, holding and forcing apart to look for that dime, need to be sturdy. Nothing is worse than a ratty tatty wallet and it being ratty tatty in a week of getting it is by FAR the worst thing. Just when you're getting used to it and can find all your important cards, it's falling apart. Nice.
Gucci and Mulberry are a good marriage. Both are classic houses of design. Both have a maturity that is sought after in the boardroom and both exude opulence and good taste. I know MANY of you have been asking about the Mulberry bags and I have been bogged with that dreaded (but awesome) house of Balenciaga.
Okay, enough yabbering. All Mulberry bags (as well as most Balenciaga bags) and Gucci wallets will be coded and on the site in the next couple of days (because I ain't got anything else to do!!).
Here are the rules and regulations in order to get your free Gucci wallet with Mulberry (or Balenciaga) bag:
- this offer applies to any purchase of Mulberry AND Balenciaga bags on the site;
- this
special only applies to Gucci wallets on the site;
- you must make one single purchase that retails a minimum of $260.00USD.
- only one wallet per $260.00 order meaning if you purchase 3 bags, and each bag is $260.00USD or more, you can get three wallets, however, each bag purchased needs to be a minimum of $260.00USD
- the special offer starts on April 15, 2010.
- this special does not apply to any other specials, reduced items, "deals / bargain bin" items, or any other discounted items. That is, if you purchase two items from the Deals Bin equalling $260.00USD or more, you cannot take advantage of this special;
- If you receive your handbag and your wallet and decide to return your handbag, then you MUST return the wallet to make the return successful;
- If you receive your handbag and your wallet and don't like your FREE wallet, then give it to a friend or a family member who will appreciate it. There are no returns or exchanges on any wallets for any reason.
- there is no cash value for the wallet - please don't ask me to take the $125 to $145 off your bag purchase and you'll forgo the wallet!;
- this offer expires on May 3, 2010;
- to keep things simple, there are no substitutions for Gucci wallets but if you're crazy about a wallet that is not on the site, contact me.
I've spent the entire post talking and post Mulberry bags, but this special will apply to any Balenciaga bag purchase as well. I know a million of you want to buy a Balenciaga bag and the free awesome Gucci wallet might just be the ticket to get you going!
Happy Shopping!!