Sunday, June 20, 2010

New Balenciaga for Summer 2010

I sell replicas and so I know really good ones from really bad ones (or at least I better know if I want a viable business).  My favourite replicas are BY FAR Gucci, Chloe, Chanel, and yes, BALENCIAGA!!.

They have a kick ass new bag for 2010.  I am in love.  Drooling.  Thinking after I get the Chloe Marcie, maybe I'll get this one?  No, maybe I'll get this one first and then get the Marcie later?  No.  Then it will be too late for the Marcie.  Arghhh.  Decisions.  (I'm being very simplistic for the purpose of this blog.  I with my life was all about deciding the order in which I'll buy my next handbags.  *scoffs*).

I know the name of this bag but I have to look it up because it's on the tip of my tongue right now.  I'm horrible with Balenciaga bags.  I'm grateful this one looks very different from the 7 other styles they have (which all look the same!!). 

For those of you who read this blog daily, you know I've said Balenciaga is an awesome replica.  I own several real balenciaga bags and I will be as honest as I can be (which I'm sure you also get from this blog), it is virtually impossible from looking at the bags to tell the real ones from the replica ones.  Yes, if you are a pro at Balenciaga, then YES, no doubt you will be able to tell them apart.  What most people buying replica bags don't seem to remember so well is that MOST people are not pros.  Most people are in awe that you have a new bag and that it has a designer name.  MOST (not everyone that you know but MOST) people are not going to scrutinize your bag to the point where, by looking at it, they can tell it apart from a genuine handbag. 

The point of my rambling is that if you want a good replica, stick to a nice Balenciaga bag (and others that I explicitly write about here on this site). 

Tons of new Balenciaga bags will be going on the site this coming week.  All Balenciaga bags are $260USD and that includes shipping and inspection service to Canada and the US. 

Happy Shopping!!