I'm not British and so I don't have the appreciation for Mulberry like I should. It's a very underrated brand in North America, in my opinion. I think they make the most breathtaking handbags and yet most people have never heard of the brand. As a funny aside, I had a reader of this blog chastise me for calling "Burberry" Mulberry. I had to tell her that Mulberry was a separate brand altogether. She still kinda doubted me!
The replica bags for Mulberry are equally awesome. The leather is very, very good and the hardware is weighty and a good match to the original bags. I was in London last summer and I remember seeing HORDES of people carrying Mulberry. Mulberry in the UK is like Coach in North America! Everyone has one. EVERYONE. I can see why the UKers don't get all excited about it but it is a very classic brand with a sophistication that is suited for the boardroom.
I'm just showcasing the electric blue here, perfect for summer, but all these bags come in a variety of great colours!
While the above styles are very "modern" for Mulberry, here is a more classic picture of their typical bags, leather and colouring.
Mulberry handbags will be updated shortly to include all their new styles. I finally have the good pictures!
Happy Shopping!!