I don't know what it is but there isn't a HANDY bone in my body but I will religiously check out the Hammer Drop sale at Home Depot everyday, without fail. I don't know what a Husky compressor does but I do like to know that it is a $100 off today. I have no idea what this fascination is for. And if I had the slightest and I do mean the slightest inclination as to what a Husky compressor was and also knew that it was $100 off today, I'd buy one...just in case I need it one day. Yes, that is me in a NUTshell. Hey, we all have our vices, mine is the word SALE.
It makes me go bleary eyed and catatonic all at once. Common sense, rationale, intelligence and all that good stuff go out the window and all I can hear myself saying is, "Well, it's on sale! I gotta get one now!".
Having said that I want my own Hammer Drop of the Day Sale. Home Depot can't have all that fun to themselves. Besides, when I have had a sale, I have enjoyed them immensely because I get great feedback from people who under current circumstances would have to say no to a bag due to hard times. A sale makes everyone happy!
In order for the JLTRT like Hammer Drop (I gotta stop using that - it's bad enough I sell replicas, I really don't need Home Depot's legal team on me), ahem, Handbag Drip *grin* sale, to work we need to meet quotas.
So every couple of days, I will announce a bag for a crazy low price. I mean CRAZY LOW price (like less than $200) and see if people are interested in buying it AND if we meet the quota, then we get it. If not, then tomorrow is another day and I'll introduce another bag that hopefully will meet the quota.
I cannot disclose what the quota is. Just like the might Home Depot does not tell you how many items are actually in stock for the sale. You gotta buy them and buy them fast until they sell out. If you don't buy fast enough, and I sell out of a handbag, then you're gonna have to either buy it at regular price (two words I cannot stand) or wait for another day for another sale!
Let's start the sale with this MADE FOR SUMMER Burberry Nautical Pouch. It's on sale for today only $170USD!!!!
That price includes shipping!!! This is a TOP AAA quality Burberry replica handbag. Not "A" quality that you see on so many sites which promote AAA+ quality but really for $170USD can only realistically deliver "A" quality.
Before I get the onslaught of e-mails, let me get a head start. These bags are NOT used, NOT damaged, NOT inferior quality, NOT anything but a good quality, high end replica item.
They are just on sale for one day only - June 29, 2010. The bag is on the website now. Once you go to the shopping cart, type in CRAZY in the "voucher" field to get the $70.00USD savings. The voucher only works for this item and it only works one time on one day. If you have any questions, you know where to get me.