Thursday, June 17, 2010


Wow, I am truly humbled.  First of all it's been close to a month since I have posted and I'll tell you why.


So you wanna hear my month?  Non?  Too bad. You're going to hear it. :P

I have had bags go missing, like GONE, for a month and can't be found.  I have had the same bags show up the next day.  The shipping companies, all of them, swore up and down that the bag was lost, that I needed to complete the insurance forms, that I needed to tell the customers that I"m sorry that bag you were waiting for for well over a month is now on re-order and guess what??!!?? You might be waiting another month!!  Oh boy, I bet you're happy you bought a bag from me.  NOT.  I hate me.  Trust.

I got to a point where I could not take new orders.  I could not deal with new people yelling at me and calling me nasty names because, well their bags were delayed.  I had to deal with the current batch of people that hated my guts.  It's okay though.

Funniest story out of all of this HELL known as backlog from a testy volcano (that if I ever get my hands out, Volcano.  Watch the Eff out.  I'm pissed now.)?  A young lady ordered a bag in April (yeah, yeah, go ahead and gasp.  The fucking volcano erupted on April 20th and that is when hell broke loose).  She was in England.  Great.  The ONE place that MOST of my bags were living for the past month.  Good luck trying to go through those heaps of backed up items to find it.

Anyway, get this.  I had previously sent the girl a tracking number and told her to track HER OWN BAG (Folks.  once I send you a tracking number, you're on your own..  Unless the bag goes missing or something, I cannot track for you.  I might as well give up my kids' childhood if you think I'm going to track the bag for you once a tracking number has been rendered - Like Seriously?).  The customer told me she had been tracking the bag.  (Well, that is HIGHLY questionable and no, I'm not gossiping.  Whatever I write here, trust me I conveyed to her.)  So get this.  She ordered a $325.00 Hermes bag.  Not cheap.  Expensive.  Her landlady, who is like 900 years old, signed for the bag on May 5, 2010. This customer did not get back logged by the cloud (NO, I don't know why.  I don't have the inner workings on why she was not affected but that YOUR bag was...Please don't write me to ask.  Argghhhhh!!).  Her landlady, all 900 years of her, did not tell the young lady she received anything.  The young lady clearly DID NOT track her bag.  She writes me LAST WEEK about her bag still MISSING.

I shit myself.  Great.  Another bag, MONTHS OLD NOW, missing.  Lovely.  I really love my life.

I do the PRELIMINARY SEARCH.  I look up her tracking number, fully expecting that sucker to be in Mongolia by now (don't laugh - you'd be shocked SHOCKED where some of the bags have ended up).

Imagine my shock when I see the tracking number showing the bag is sealed signed and delivered by the landlady!!

Guess what granny did?  She threw the AWESOME Hermes bag out with the trash!!!!

She forgot she had received something and then put it on top of her trash.   Took the trash out.  And bye bye Hermes.

I ask the girl what she is going to do now?  And she tells me, NOTHING.  She's a poor student working on a Masters and is on her way to MONGOLIA (no joke) to do anthropological dig.  She told me (and yes, I believed her) that she saved that money for a good long time and did not have any more to buy another bag.

Guess what I did?  Yes, me the black hearted bitch who has maliciously been keeping your bags at my house (because I like mountains of handbags at my house that I cannot use, in boxes, taking up space because I really really really just want to piss you off).  I got her a free bag.  I couldn't get her the bag she wanted but I got her an Hermes.  A good one.

Posh carries it all the time.

It was supposed to be my summer bag.  Oh well.  I know what it's like to be a student.  Trust me. I know broke.

Okay, enough about my kindhearted soul.  I'm embarrassed now. 

I"m still the wench that had very delayed bags.  Now, I got this a lot  during the back log period.  I got the old, but I ordered stuff from another replica website and it got here two weeks before your bag.  How come that bag was not delayed.

People, I don't order 3 bags.  I don't even order 100 bags.  I order 800 bags.  That means big boxes.  That means longer times in customs.  That means that if you're in a back logged situation and your supervisor of the mail system is telling you to get packages out.  Any packages, start moving them NOW.   I don't know about you slackers but I know my ass would be getting the smaller ones out first.  After all, the smaller ones are probably sitting on the bigger ones.  To get to the big ones, you gotta move the small ones.

Is this making sense?  Big boxes, in a back logged situation get the shaft.  I got the shaft.  You got the shaft because of that.


Me and my love for sales really really really wants to have a sale, but I really really really need a break.  So here goes:

For the month of July which is almost 2 weeks away, you can order any two regular priced bags and get a third bag for free!  Or you can order any two bags and get a free pair of shoes.  Or you can order any two bags and get, well, whatever you want for free.  I'll have the rules up and you know all that jazz.

I already relayed this to the most pissed crowd because let's face it.  With delays over a month, it's the least I can do.

After that promotion in July, I am taking August off.  The website will be closed to orders. I will then go to a cave and hibernate until September.  And guess what?  The website will be a year old in September. BOOM. Another year gone.

Happy Shopping Folks!!  It's been a rough ride for the past 6 weeks.