Thursday, January 21, 2010


I'm still bed ridden.  I have contracted a virus or I'm pregnant. I don't know yet.  I just had tests done and I'll find out which one it is.  Wanna hear something interesting?  A lady at work contracted Vertigo this past week.  When I went to see my doctor yesterday, she told me (without knowing about the lady at work) that I too may have Vertigo (if not pregnant).

I was a bit shocked.  Vertigo is not contagious apparently unless it's caused by a virus.  Who'da thunk?  Weird.

I know you're sitting there, going, why don't you and your dumb ass go do a pregnancy test?  I know this because my husband is saying the same thing (minus the vocalized "dumb ass" part - he knows better than that), but I don't want to do a test just yet.

I'm weird this way.  I'd rather do the test when I miss a cycle or I'm clearly having morning sickness.  I don't like doing tests without some indication that I need to do a test. 

My husband does not get that logic or lack of logic at all.  He just wants to know - YES or NO.  I'm more like I want to know when I'm ready to know.   You know?

This craziness I'm exemplifying here in this post alone is probably evidence enough that I'm pregnant!

Okay, having said all that, folks I have to be honest, if and when I do get pregnant, I will be shutting down the replica business.  It has grown to a stupendous, almost unmanageable size, but as a pregnant woman, in my late 30's, with 2 kids already, 3 other large businesses and a full time consulting job, I just don't think I will have the time to devote to it.  And it is very time intensive.  Mistakes are a big part of any business and while mistakes are bad, you cannot leave a customer with bad items.  It needs to be fixed.

I believe in good customer service and if you're not happy with a purchase, I am here to help.  I know this because I have had a couple of "mistakes" take place over the past couple of weeks that I have been back to work.

When I asked the factory, "yo, factory, what's going on?"  That is when I was informed of the work dispute within the factory itself.  I immediately stopped processing orders online and started following up with people who had gotten bags from me.  Very time intensive. 

Thank God I was closed for almost a month, so I was relatively ok, but other resellers got the shaft bad.  This is like any strike or worker unhappiness situation in the world.  When there are unhappy workers, and they want management to hear that they are saying, they will do some malicious things to make life miserable for the factory owners / management.

I remember being in my early 20's and working at a hotel here while going to university.  The unionized employees were striking, so the bellmen, housekeeping, banquet staff, etc, all on stike.  Every 20 minutes (I kid you not), the effing fire alarm would be pulled by one of the striking employees or by someone sympathetic to their cause.  It was done to (annoy the hell of out  me) to make guests at the hotel not stay at the hotel, and thus cause a financial loss to the hotel owners.  And on a bigger picture to ensure the striking employees' voices were heard.  Listen to our demands or we'll make your life miserable. 

We all have a right to demonstrate.  Others, like you and me, might not like it due to the general inconveniences caused by the activity, but the right to demonstrate is important to this thing we call "democracy" and "freedom". 

The work dispute at the factories seems to be "resting" for now.  I am sure it will be back as nothing was done really by both sides to resolve the issues.  For now, orders are moving and life is back to normal. 

I'm still sick and bedridden and slow to respond to emails.  :( 

I should be back to normal by tomorrow as well. 

Happy Shopping!!