So well made. The leather is awesome. Soft, supple lambskin. It is thinner leather but durable and strong. Because it's not a weighty leather, the bags are light weight and even full they don't carry the burden of weight like a Mahina, Guccissima or even a thick leathered Chloe bag.
The replicas are VERY well made. Balenciaga are some of the easiest bags to make and so the actual detailing is easy to get bang on. The key to this replica being successful is in the leather. There are variations in every Balenciaga bag and so it can be said that every single bag is unique. This feature must carry out in the replica, otherwise it's just not a good replica at all.
Now you can't go from bag to bag looking for differences but make sure that the replica you get has variations, veins and unevenness in colour. The bag should look like it is slightly distressed - not USED look.
I have to say that Balenciaga replicas are currently my favourite brand. I am amazed as a owner of several genuine bags, how fantastic the replicas are.
Again, Balenciaga isn't known for it's many styles. They do tend to recycle the same patterns, hardware and overall look over and over again but what they "lack" in introducing new, different styles, they make up for with an abundance of colours.
You get everything from black to hot pink. It's fabulous!
Happy Shopping!