I've got great Mahina products. It's not a cheap bag, but it's so worth it. The problem is that they are so popular right now I'm kinda sold out for another week or so. I think I've gotten back to all of you who have ordered them but in case you're reading, here it is again.
The factory will have some shortly. Yes, this is a fantastic replica. Very good leather and it's expensive because it is all leather. The inside lining is a soft micro suede. The whole bag is a decadent love for leather. It's a big bag too BUT and this is a BIG BUT it's a very slouchy bag and so it does not look it's real size unless you fill it up and make it take the shape of a heavy load of stuff. Then it looks ridiculously large.
I like it for my usual reasons, you can wear it on your shoulder or your forearm to free up hands. You can dress it up with a business suit and walk into a boardroom. And lastly, you can dress this puppy right down to jeans and a t shirt or a sweatshirt. It's all good. Very versatile. Will get used. The only drawback? It's a heavy bag.. No, nothing that will weigh you down but compared to a lighter lambskin Balenciaga, the Mahina will weigh more. The Mahina is made of all leather and it's a big bag,. All that leather comes with slightly more weight in the end product.
To me, that just makes it more sturdy. It's a bag that is definitely worth the wait. I will let you know when it's in stock!
Happy Shopping!!