I've got some great designer replica dresses and I'm glad you guys are asking! This is Marc Jacobs in either beige (model showing) or grey (second dress alone)
Dresses on my site only come in sizes 2, 4 and 6. That's not me. That's the factory that's making the replicas. They don't make them in sizes bigger than this :(
All dresses range in price from $150.00 to $200.00 with shipping to most areas. I literally have millions of dresses, both designer and non designer (non designer replicas are considerably less in price at around $75.00 to $100.00 with shipping to most areas).
I've got a handy dandy new idea for the website. I am going to introduce a picture section where you the can see all the items that I have access to (but obviously has not been coded to buy). This makes it a lot easier for you and me. I will just update those sections on a daily basis. Look for my ENTIRE handbag picture collection tonight on the site.
Happy Shopping!!