For all those asking about the site shutting down, it's okay. Breathe. Even if I have to take some time off due to pregnancy (which is not 100%) yet, then I will leave you in the hands of my very capable resellers who all buy through me and resell in their communities and online as well.
Never fear! You will get your replica bags.
For all those that were worried about a possible shaft resulting from the work dispute, again, it's okay. Breathe. Don't worry. It's all worked out. Chinese New Year is around the corner and so I guess out of extreme respect everyone is getting along...for now.
Work disputes in a country of over a billion people, run on a quasi-socialist but mostly capitalist country are gonna happen. I am so used to them by now that I just expect the next big one coming at all times. No matter what happens, it can be fixed. Right? Life goes on. If you are not happy, I will take care of you, I promise.
It's all good...for now, folks. Life is chugging along.
Happy Shopping!!