Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I'm going to cave, but it's a good cave.  I am getting too many requests for Mulberry and Thomas Wylde products.  They're both good lines, and I wasn't leaving them out for any reason other than I thought I had more than enough products on the site and didn't need 2 more designers.  I will update the website shortly.   In the meantime, send me a pic of what you want and I can find out if I have the item in good quality.

Mulberry is very classic and clean.  A lot like Loewes or Burberry...and Mulberry makes awesome wallets like the one above.

They also make spectacular looking bags.  Well, spectacular for me...slightly boring for some of my friends.  I work in a business setting, these bags fit in with that lifestyle.  I like bags that I can use for work and go shopping with.

Mulberry bags are very well received.  It's not a terribly popular brand in North America but it's huge in Europe and the UK.

Then there's Thomas Wylde.  Think of Mulberry and then think the exact opposite of that.  Thomas Wylde stuff is full of the popular club scene of skulls, alien heads, skeletons, and yet he seems to keep it, ummm, elegant?  I know that sounds weird but despite a lot of skulls, skeletons, morbidity, the line still looks classy.  The real stuff is very expensive as well and very popular on celebrities.

Thomas Wylde also has some great clothes (which I don't think I can get - Sorry) and he a large wallet collection as well. .

They're bulky with a whole skull attached to them.  I'm not sure  that I"m a big fan of Thomas Wylde but then I have never been into that whole morbid, goth, skulls are cool thing.  I know though that  it's super popular.  My nieces and nephews are decked up in the Affliction and Ed Hardy stuff!

All Mulberry bags are about $250.00 to $270.00USD in price.  Thomas Wylde stuff is about the same at $260-280.00USD.

Happy Shopping!!