Saturday, August 21, 2010

Okay, Let's Try This

So yesterday I posted something about selling clothes and since yesterday I have been PLEASANTLY inundated with queries about clothes.  I so want to sell them. I just don't have a good system in place.  So for now I am going to pull a BEYOND THE RACK type system where I'll put a couple of things up for sale at a time for a very discounted price.  If you like it, you get it.  If you are unsure, don't get it.  Tomorrow is another day and more stuff will be up. 

I will be HONEST about sizing.  Designers for years have been criticized because they cut things too small.  Your average GAP small is NOT a designer small.  No way.  No how.  A designer small is size 0.  Plain and simple.  I take a size 4.  I am five feet tall.  I can barely get my fat ass (or it feels like it at the time) into many of the Large sized items that the designers have up.  Trust.  It's infuriating.  That is why I am trying to focus on coats and accessories.  Lord help us when we get into pants and dresses. 

So here is today's item. I'll have it on sale for a few days. 

Burberry Fall Coat.  The drab pictures first.

And the jazzed up, hot model pictures:

This coat would normally retail for $250 WITHOUT A DESIGNER named attached.  The actual Burberry coat is over $1000USD. 

I'm going to offer the coat for $135USD (that includes shipping only - I've inspected this coat more times than I'd like to admit) over the next couple of days.  THAT IS A VERY LOW PRICE for a coat.  I'm just trying to build up confidence FOR MY OWN SELF for selling online. I'm still very skeptical about it succeeding in this medium, but stranger things have happened.

If you want the coat, hit me up!

Happy Deal of the Day Shopping!!