Tuesday, August 17, 2010


So I have been wracking my brain to come up with September's special.  I mean we have the BUY TWO GET ONE FREE special coming to an end soon.  And a 857 free bags later (you do the math!), I need something that will top that puppy.  Well, let's face it, nothing will top that sale.   As an aside, that BUY TWO GET ONE FREE will be on every summer.  It's to make up for the lack of new bags and offers that I can give during that time.  So if you're tight on the moolah, July and August are the times to buy your handbags.

The next special is keeping with the season.  It's getting chilly.  I can already start to feel that that horrid heatwave has subsided and Old Man Winter is reminding us that he's around the corner.

Starting September 1, 2010, buy any handbag from the site that values $220USD or more and get a free Burberry Scarf.  You know the scarf.  The classic Burberry 100% cashmere luxurious scarf that keeps you all cozy and warm.   Ahhhh.

The scarf comes with a box and so if you're not a scarf person (like you're lucky and you get to live in the Caribbean, then gift it to a dear friend or your mom.  Moms love scarves!).

I'll post the five different styles you can choose from in a bit but keep that special in mind! 

All scarves retail for $100USD on the site and I have sold MANY MANY scarves.  I will put up some testimonials about the quality and price point ratio in a bit.  In my honest opinion, you cannot go wrong with the Burberry scarves on the site.  You want authentic looking, feeling and smelling (yes, smelling - cheap cashmere has a horrid chemical smell to it)?  GET A SCARF from the site.  Trust.

Will have more details shortly.

Happy Shopping!!