You know what kills me?
This kills me. If I showed you this coat in these pictures as is,
99.9% of you would never ever buy this coat. Don't worry, I'm in the 99.9% of you! Even if I told you that the coat is a Chloe design and is worth a fortune. You'd look at me and say, umm, no thanks. And I'd get that, looking at that picture. Then I'd try to sell you on it and say, but look at the back!
I'd say this coat makes a person. It flatters most figures. It's really pretty in real life. And no doubt, you'd spit in my eye or think I had no sense of fashion whatsoever. Trust me. I'd be feeling the same way. In those pictures, the coat is lying flat or is hanging from a hanger. It has no shape. No form and it doesn't show off it's salient points.
It's a hard sell.
That is until you get a Nordic beauty with 7ft long legs, a 24" waist and a face that would launch a 1000 ships.
Then my friends, you get this:
I've been wrestling with the idea of selling clothes to the masses online. I have no problem when buyers come to me and want 20,000 units of coat A and 30,00 of coat B. Buyers know what to look for and even the first two pictures would be all that a buyer needs to see if determine if a) it's a coat in style today b) is a coat that will sell to their demographic and c) if the want to request a sample to feel the make and fabric. Buyers are trained to do that.
I have realized over the past year of internet sales, the masses, the general public is NOT trained to do that. No harm in this at all. I am the queen of buying stuff from a store and taking it back. See the difference is that the store is a short walk or a drive away. I buy it. I take it back. I do all the work to complete the return.
So I'm trying to develop a system where I can offer you AWESOME clothes. I mean
awesome clothes, without incurring huge costs for YOU and me due to wrong sizing, wrong colour representation, etc. and shipping back and forth.
I'm thinking of featuring an item (items with model pics obviously because as you can see unless you see a gorgeous babe wearing the item, it just looks drab and ugly), having it available in S, M and L sizes here with me and then sending it out to you to take a look at.
The service would only cost what shipping costs. So if it costs me $20.00 to get a coat to you then I'd charge you $20.00 for the item and if you like it, then you keep it and only then I charge the full cost (Nothing on my site will be over $130.00 - unless it's a Herve Leger dress or a Moncler jacket). I am trying to keep costs and prices down.
Does anyone have a better idea? Can you run it by me. I have been researching retail sites (small ones - not Nieman Marcus or Sears - umm, I'm not those guys) and I got this system from one of them.
What I don't want is the frivolous order maker. You know the one that immediately likes an item, places and order and then realizes the rent is due. That is why the initial shipping cost is in place - to deter that kind of person.
The shipping cost however is low enough that if you really don't like an item or it just does not look good on you, then you can return it and not feel like you are out a huge amount of money.
That fee however makes people be picky enough that everyone orders carefully with the good intent to buy and keep an item.
If anyone, ANYONE, has some suggestions, please
contact me.
Happy Shopping...I hope!!