I haven't posted very many Miu Miu bags on the site and I almost never speak of them here. Wanna know why?
I'm afraid. See, I think you guys know that I keep telling you that there are some lines (LV, Chanel, Balenciaga, Chloe, Gucci) that are done VERY WELL (99% mirror image, aka AAA, aka 7 star grade replication), then there are some designers that are done very well ON SOME HANDBAGS and to be truthful, not so good on others. Sure they may all say XYZ designer's name but XYZ is not a good replica through and through.
Miu Miu is like that. There are great bags like this one: The Butterfly Satchel.
It's done very well and with great detail. This is by no means an easy bag to copy. There is stitching to this bag that is quite difficult. There is a lot of hardware and there is a lot of geometry to this bag. Lip / main flap comes over the bag, bow ties thingies on the side, etc.
Miu Miu scares me. I absolutely refuse to sell a Miu Miu bag directly from the factory to you - EVEN IF I HAVE SOLD IT A NUMBER OF TIMES BEFORE TO OTHER PEOPLE. I have to intercept the bag. I don't care if the bag is going from Asia to Australia (and let's face it, it's a lot cheaper for me to have the factory send the bag directly to Australia than to have them send it to me in Canada, where I inspect it, and then I re-pay for shipping to send it out to Australia!), but sometimes these things need to be done. They definitely need to be done with Miu Miu.
Well folks, it's just not a popular brand. Yes, we 'in the know' know about it but most people have never heard of it. So those 'in the know' order bags like the Butterfly Satchel and as such, bags like this are done really well by the factory. The replica Satchel stands up to the original bag. The problem stems from the fact that there are hundreds of different Miu Miu bags, most are obscure and not well known at all.
Moreover, Miu Miu is one house of fashion that radically changes their look and their signature leather. Unlike Monogram or Chanel quilted leather where the same type of leather is used to make hundreds of different styles of bags, Miu Miu uses calfskin for a fall line and then uses lambskin for a spring line. While this is great for Miu Miu and their ability to change things up, it's a nightmare for most replica companies (I know tough beans, says Miu Miu!).
In the end though, the person to get the shaft is the newbie replica buyer. He/she sees a great Miu Miu bag and doesn't realize that the factories have only had a few runs of the bag - not enough to perfect and certainly not enough to boast about. There are usually a lot of problems. And if the problems are not visible, then there are inherently problems with quality, i.e. hardware falls off, straps break, etc.
So what to do?
Ask someone in the know (*flashes pearly whites*). I can usually help you in deciding what to buy and what to steer clear of. But there is a problem in this system. It hasn't happened to me yet, but I can sense some folks think I'm trying to rain on their parade and their choice of handbag. Remember folks, I'm here to sell handbags. If I'm not selling handbags, then, umm, well, umm, WHY AM I WRITING A BLOG ON AND KEEPING A WEBSITE WITH HANDBAGS ON IT??? In the end it's much easier for me to sell you what you have your mind set on, than to convince you that, well, that bag might not be so great and here's why.
If I don't recommend a bag, it's not because I'm trying to horde that style for me, me and more me! Girlfriend, I can get any bag I want...remember, I work with the factory that makes them! No, not hoarding. I'm trying to protect you. I'm caught in a bind. If I let you buy the bag and it turns out to be crap, then you're gonna flip on me, tell me I suck and that I should be shot. And if I don't let you buy the bag, then you think I'm giving you shitty customer service, tell me I suck and that I should be shot. *Grin*.
Hmm. There really is no rest for the wicked replica salesperson!
All joking aside. Ask. Ask. Ask. I mean, ask nicely, but ask.
This bag gets a thumbs up. I have sold MANY of these and they all hold out well.
P.S. I had a very young (had to be!) reader write to me today and tell me that she wants the bag that Vanessa Hudgens (sp?) carries all the time.
I was like who? She wrote me back and told me, duh (I could see her rolling her eyes at me too)! Like, Zac Efron's girlfriend!
I was like, wha? Zac (who spells his name wrong by the way - where's the freakin' "k"), who's he?
Clearly, I'm not as hip as I should be.
So there you have it. One of the best Miu Miu replicas is carried around by Zac Efron's girlfriend, Vanessa. Umm, they are great people?!?
Happy Shopping!