I guess we can be thankful for this as well!
Burberry Bags are finally here. It's taken awhile to find a factory that makes good "AAA+" quality Burberry. My regular supplier doesn't make Burberry. I'm not really sure why but Burberry must be very hard to replicate. A lot of crappy replicas exist out there. And they're super cheap ($35 wholesale price). Most of you ask me for the "AAA+" quality, which makes sense, but some of you have recommended to me that I should also carry "A" quality bags for those who aren't looking for something just like the real thing!
I thought about it and the answer for now is NO. The last thing I need is two lines of handbags. Besides there are a ton of sites that carry "A" quality bags. Too bad some of them charge "AAA+" prices! Be on the look out.
Side note for Coach lovers. You have asked, "Why no Coach?" Coach is a tough one. I live 100km from the Coach warehouse in New York State. You can get most Coach bags here for about $300USD. If I were to carry REPLICA Coach bags, they'd end up costing that much because of shipping, duties, etc. To me, why pay $250USD for a replica when you can pretty much get the real thing, ON SALE, for $300USD.
I know some of you cannot get Coach where you live and therefore if you REALLY want one, contact me. We'll see if we can work something out.