Sunday, November 29, 2009


My regular computer is at the office.  Yesterday my husband and I were on our way to our niece's confirmation and the computer was running low on batteries. I asked hubby to stop by my office so that I could charge it while this whole confirmation, lunch, family stuff was going on.  I was hoping to get it on our way back home.  No such luck.  I had two exhausted boys and a very tired husband.  That means I have no computer.  That really means that I have no pictures here. 

I do have a very nice 17" Dell with no "H" key (ahh the joys of kids...), and NO PICS OF ANY BAGS!!! I think I"m having withdrawal.  I have promised like 18 people pics and I promise I will have them shortly with descriptions of the bags sometime today!  Bear with me.

To all those writing today, my responses will be a bit slow again.  Sorry it's a busy weekend for non bag, non business, non office work.

Hope your weekend was less hectic than mine.  Happy Shopping in the meantime!