This is a very hard to find handbag. I'm lucky because the factory I deal with for Chanel is the leading manufacturer of all things Chanel. This is a grey (an absolute must of a colour for this season), quilted FABRIC classic flap purse.
This bag is truly beautiful. Despite being fabric, it still feels luxurious!
Here are some more angles of the same bag.
Chanel also has pretty out there stuff. I checked on some of these and they are the real deal. They are the styles introduced for 2009 and 2010. The traditional Cambon has been uplifted with furry trim and made in two tone colours.
More grey bags. This bag was the patent leather hobo that I had pics of in September. This is the grey leather counterpart. It's a sexy bag.
Then I don't know what happens. Karl or some other big wig at Chanel loses it. They also have these:
Lime green (Mmmm!) with black designs. Awesome. Now, remember the replica costs $265.00. The real bag costs $2800.00.
Unless you're very art nouveau, would you pay $2800 for this bag? It's a nice bag (I'm lying) but I would not get my $2800.00's worth.
Before you think I'm crazy, I already checked, and YES, this is a real bag. Seriously. Obviously Karl was jealous of Gucci's claim on all things Russian and had to introduce their own Romanov bag.
No offense to anyone. My intent is not to hurt anyone's feelings, especially if you're hip and funky enough to appreciate the bags, but my 5 year old can make this bag and he'd be all giddy doing it. Gluing things to fabric is his new found passion!
And in case you're wondering, YES, that fabric is supposed to be like that. Not quite straight, sewn on other quilted fabric with 8,000 pins attached to it.
Wow. My husband is a great, great guy (most of the time!), but if I told him that I paid $2800.00 for this "pin bag", I'm seriously thinking he'd be looking for places to hide my body.
He's all for nice looking stuff for $2800.00 but he'd have a mouth full of smart remarks for that bag. And honestly, I can't say I blame him. Part of me wants to tell him I splurged today and bought this bag. Just to see his response! LOL.
Again, if they took off that red fabric and all those pins, it'd be a great bag, like the first grey one! Why ruin a good thing!
Happy Shopping...for all new things Chanel!