N ordered a Speedy Cube and another couple of bags which she also loved. She asked me for it a couple of weeks ago, and then I posted it here for all of you to see. It's a hot little bag from LV.
N's comments were that the bag, "is absolutely beautiful, great hardware, great leather", and that, "it really does look like the real thing!"
I'm telling you every now and then there is a gem of a replica bag. The one that no one will know that you are carrying a replica (I wish all bags and all factories making these bags were created equal, but alas that is not to be) and that bag exists in the LV Speedy Cube and that Gucci Sukey that I highlighted last night.
Now don't panic. This does not mean that the other bags are shit. No. It just means that right now the factory that I deal with is making a kick ass LV Speedy Cube and a kick ass Gucci Sukey for sure.
Sure they are making other kick ass products but since I am just highlighting these two VERY popular bags for your attention.
Both bags are $270.00USD on the site and trust me, me the cheap person, that they are worth their cost!
Happy Shopping!!