I have gotten about 3 zillion, yes zillion, requests for Gucci products over the past 3 days. Everyone that contacted me read the post on Gucci being a kick ass replica and wanting one for themselves. Yeah, I get that.
I have a new-ish Gucci supplier and let me tell you, NOW is the time to buy your Gucci handbag because NOW is the time that this factory is producing some of the best replicas I have ever seen. Now I know what you're thinking. What's the rush, crazy pregnant lady? Well, it's like anything, and Toyota will vouch for this. Used to be a time where Toyotas were the cat's meow in affordable, everyday cars. Toyota could make a better lawnmower than GM or Ford and they could do no wrong. Ask yourself about Toyota today. No one stays at number 1 forever.
So if you bought a Toyota 5 years ago and are still driving and it thinking wow, I love my car, and I have had no problems, that's because you got in when the factory was making awesome cars (I know Toyota made great cars for a lot longer than this - just go with the example and stop trying to be a smart ass). The same is true for Gucci replicas RIGHT now! Right now, they are awesome, great workmanship and absolutely great replication. Will they be like this in a month? 6 months? A year? Man, how do I know. Do I look like Miss Cleo to you? All I can say is get them now while they are good.
That's my two cents.
Happy Shopping!!