Very delayed today. Holy orders! Keep them coming! I am so happy that folks are getting the handbags they always wanted!
My bag of the day. The Gucci Leather Indy. I saw this today in the area I work. I had to do a double take. I was being nosey and trying to see if it was the real thing or a darn good replica. I couldn't tell.
This bag looks flashy and to some extent it might be seen that way, but it's not ridiculous or in your face at all. It's quite elegant. What you can't see here and what I truly appreciate is that it fits over the shoulder comfortably. The handle is not as small as it looks or the bag is a lot bigger than it appears in pictures.
It does come in a bunch of colours. I have it in red, dark brown, an awesome gold and a black crocodile skin print. I am just in the process of putting the bags up onto my site and I'll hyperlink the colours here to the site tomorrow.
You know that feeling when you feel fulfilled and can sit back and say, wow, this is fun? I've finally found that feeling.
Happy shopping everyone!