Friday, October 23, 2009

Gucci Again...

I don't know about you guys but I'd feel like a complete yim yam, a loser, somebody who was trying WAY TOO HARD to get noticed wearing these.

I mean they're nice boots (shape, size, heel), but the medallion, the interlocking GG, the fur, the fabric, the wannabe steel toe. I'm not sure. 

I'd be standing there, balancing on one foot while the trying to hide my other foot behind my leg or something. 

Is it just me?  I can't even keep a straight face as I type this.  Also, I married the most sarcastic SOB on the planet and he'd start the teasing as soon as I took these out of the box! 

I'd be forced to return them just to shut him up!
Maybe I can carry these with my matching Gucci bag?

Oh and just in case you wanted them in black, Gucci understands...

Keep Shopping...pass!