The problem with me is that I get very easily confused in due to all the variations it comes in and what my factory actually manufactures. This time tested true handbag comes in 3 different sizes, Small, Medium and Large. I'm not even 100% sure if the Small size is licensed Chanel and authentic because I never see the Small size in their stores or in their catalogues. Regardless, I have seen a small 8" size bag online, on celebrities and on many other replica stores.
Here's where it gets confusing for me, because, well I'm slow that way. The Large bag which measures almost 13" comes with either GOLD toned or SILVER toned hardware. That's simple enough. Then it comes in either Gold toned or SILVER toned hardware with either a BLACK or RED interior!
Both LARGE and MEDIUM bags have a double flap, a small one inside for a separate compartment and a larger outer flap that closes the entire bag. Now wanna know where it gets confusing for me?
My factory only makes the LARGE bag with either GOLD toned or SILVER toned hardware with a RED interior. NO BLACK interior bags are made by the factory.
But in the MEDIUM sized bag, I have four variatinons of this bag!
1. MEDIUM bag with GOLD toned hardware and RED interior;
2. MEDIUM bag with SILVER toned hardware and RED interior;
3. MEDIUM bag with GOLD toned hardware and BLACK interior;
4. MEDIUM bag with SILVER toned hardware and BLACK interior.
Guess what a genius I am and guess what I did? I took all the pics in one day and didn't bother to PLAN out the picture downloading process. I was so incredibly confused between large and medium bags that my head was spinning! Some large pics were in the Medium handbag section and vice versa. Oh, it was a mess. And one of those messes where you know things are not right, but it's such a big fix that you try to put it off as long as humanly possible.
To make matters worse, and really I did not think that was gonna be possible here, the website company I use automatically shrinks the pics to some extent to make them fit neatly on the page.
I take very high resolution pics so that you can see the texture of the leather and the detaling of the hardware.
When I uploaded them onto the my website, the automatic shrinker ended up warping some of the pics and so the natural curve you would see or some of the features you're looking for on Chanel bags were definitely off.
I appreciate several shoppers point this out to me. Thank you!
I have after all that fixed the Chanel store and added the last of the product that I will be carrying. All the bags should have a uniformed look and look the exactly as the bag that I am selling and offering from the factory.
I have a lot more handbags to put up but I'm gonna make sure the ones that are up are "working" and looking like they should.
Many thanks for your patience everyone. I'm sorry I was never supposed to be a website builder!
Happy Shopping.