Thursday, October 15, 2009

More Lovely Music...

I got another happy customer who writes:
I got your package :-) didn´t even have to pick it up at the post office...they left it in our mailbox...and no import taxes or anything :-)
I love it!!! I think it´s great and to be honest I could never tell a difference to the original...I´ve also just checked out the original on the LV website ;-) but can´t see a difference...looks exactly the same...
Anyway...I LOVE IT! :-)
Sometimes this business is so rewarding :)  What more can a person ask for?  I like that she was skeptical like a lot of smart people, took a chance and got exactly what she wanted!

I know it's very hard to trust someone on the internet but if you have any hesitation, write me and let's chat.  Maybe I can help you find the bag you've always wanted!

I'm always here to answer questions.

Happy Shopping!