So I think everyone and their grandmother has asked me about these new bags from Chanel. Unreal response and want for them.
They are the new reversible leather and nylon bags from Chanel. They come in MANY colours and most are two toned, and therefore once reversed, they are a totally different coloured bag.
I think they're a great idea and nifty bags but they are very casual. I would not be taking one of these in to a boardroom. I also would be using them for the purposes of shopping and / or going out on a family day to the beach. They kinda remind me of an insulated lunch bag. Non?
This bag would make an excellent bag for school. Unlike most things dainy and fragile by Chanel, this bag is actually made well. It's made to carry things, including books and a laptop. It's also great because it's nylon, for durability and in case you're like me, spills from your coffee or juice.
I wouldn't exactly take to a pie eating contest and think that it will just go in the wash and all will be well, but I would do my 4 year undergrad with this bag and not feel so bad at the end of it since I only laid out about $260USD for the bag.
These new Chanel bags come in white and red, just white, black and red, just black, black and purple, red and purple, just red, blue and red, just blue...OMG, the combinations are endless!
Happy Shopping!!