So the big thing for 2010 is obviously to splash the designer name all over the bag. I think Chanel, Gucci, LV, Prada and Miu Miu each have bags that repeat the designer name all over them. You've seen the LV version, on sale below, and here is Miu Miu (not on sale right now but maybe soon):
I love, love, love totes and big bags. Miu Miu however is not the brand that I'd turn to. Both Miu Miu and Prada are VERY delicate brands, and I'm not just talking about the replica. Before you think it's a quality issue, the genuine bags are even very fragile. My firm belief is that both Prada and Miu Miu make bags for you to look fabulous. They are not in any way, in my personal opinion, practical, rugged or made to endure any kind of repeated, everyday use. I think that owning several Prada genuine products in my lifetime, I have pretty much broken them all. In fact, if you've been with me since the start of this business, you might recall that I went on and on about a Prada Fringe.
Yes, the one that my husband wanted to beat with a shoe! Well, fear not, dear hubby because that bag, one day while entering the subway system, got caught on a turnstile. I've never seen a handle snap so fast. Thank God, there are two handles and so I did not lose all my shit during busy rush hour.
Having said that, folks, real and replica bags are very, very fragile, and honestly I don't recommend for daily use other than your wallet, your keys and maybe a pair of sunglasses.
Lastly, if you do plan on using your Prada or your Miu Miu handbags (and again, from my experience, I have found this applies to both real and replica items), then please be uber careful with them. They cannot take careless roughness (my middle name) and they will break if subjected to any kind of physical rough handling.
I personally would only use Pradas and Miu Miu handbags for limited use or for very light use.
Happy Shopping!!