The usual.
Well I'm sorry because this bag should have been posted then. I love, love this bag. Yes, in pink and all.
I might not do dainty (Chanel) but I do like me some girly! Pink is awesome. Balenciaga leather is unreal good. Like one of the best. The leather on replicas, all of them, even ones that still need catching up (like Hermes or some Prada) is always top notch.
If you get a replica with bad leather, I don't know how to say this any other way, you got a REALLY BAD replica. Usually the leather is great. The workmanship, the hardware and the durability are always the key issues. Only a good factory that knows what it is doing can make those issues disappear.
This bag is very soft lambskin leather. It is also quite roomy. To me this is a the quintessential HANDBAG. It is big, pretty, designer, and will be used daily. You can have this bag holding one wallet and some keys and have it look fabulous, all slouchy like. Or you can pack the kitchen sink in it and still look like you're a hipster.
Right now. Like at this very moment in 2009, there is no bigger or hotter name in handbags than Balenciaga. I have been selling them like crazy (that and Chloe), and I can see why. You know that even 10 years from this bag will still look great.
Happy Shopping!