The Chloe (I know I'm on a Chloe kick) Paraty!
I got this bag in from the factory about a month ago. To be honest I had my doubts because this is not an easy bag to replicate. Tubed leather never goes according to plan and one of the reasons that this bag is SO INCREDIBLY expensive is that tubed leather, the stitching and the exotic leathers it comes in.
The real bag costs $3,820USD *cough cough*!
If you want real authenticity, then like always, I suggest you stay away from the exotic skins. The replicas are not exotic skins. They are embossed calf, goat or lambskin, depending on what will give the closest resemblance of look to the real bag. But if you're buying this bag to impress others and carry it off as an original, then people in the know will know that Chloe does not use embossed leather and that they use real alligator or python.
Here's the replica alligator skin bag. Real alligator skin has a unusual feel to it. It almost feels like it is peeling in your hands. And it does peel. Even after careful treatments to prevent that from happening, real alligator skin has a fragile finish to it. Sure it's tough as nails and you'll never put a hole in it, but it does, surface wise, not hold out so great. And that's the real alligator skin I'm talking about.
Since this bag is UBER sexy, and I know I say don't buy the exotic skin bags because they lack the authenticity, but THIS bag, even in the mock exotic skin, is a beauty.
Very well done on the replication. The hardware is impeccable. And the colours are all mature and sophisticated.
This is a bag you walk into a boardroom and then go for a ritzy dinner afterwards.
This is not really a bag that you can wear with your Uggs and torn jeans. Some bags you can dress down and they look tres cool when they are dressed down (Blue Jean Birkin comes to mind). This one is too uppity and looks dorky dressed down. I'm thinking if you're going out on the town, looking sharp and wearing great jeans, then you're fine. But track pants, yoga pants,Uggs or similar fuzzy boots...umm, maybe not! I can't pull off that look.
I know when I'm having a veg day and wanna dress down, this is not the bag I'd take around with me. Incidentally, when I do have a dress down day, my husband's first words to me are, "You give up on life?". Smart ass.
Happy Shopping!