Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Never Ever Again

I will never ever take orders in December again.  Unlike previous years this is the worst one yet for moving items in the mail. 

I have no idea what is going on but mail is moving very very very very very (times 2,000) slow.  I have spoken to my people in China and they are inundated with orders (so much for shopping Canadian or American) and they have told me that now more than ever, in this wretched economy, their orders are up and the more people are using mail than couriers.  Also, more people are sending their gifts via mail instead of travelling this XMAS to see friends and family.

People, please be patient.  There is nothing I can do to make the mail move.  Also there is no way I could have known that the mail, this year, was going to be this bad.  I have three customers who have been waiting over a month because they got shafted with Canada Customs and with US Customs holding back their packages.  They have been very patient with this.

I'm asking the same of you.  If you ordered from me last week, please don't write to me incessantly asking if the package will get here this week.  The mail at this point is moving too slow for that.  I am hoping that the bulk of it goes this week and it starts moving next week but there are holidays next week and we're talking about mail.  Government. 

If you want to write to me and bitch me out for slow moving mail, that is fine.  I'm ready for you, however, please think about what some of you are asking me to do.  You want me to call up the postal service, which is usually government run and rush your package which contains a (most likely not allowed) replica?

Sure I'll do it but when customs seizes your item, calls you and maybe fines you (Switzerland), then you're going to be a lot more upset than you are now.

It's the mail.  That saying, "it's in the mail", was invented for a reason.  Mail is called snail mail for a reason too.  It's a waiting game.

Please be patient.  It will move. Just not today.