There are sites on the internet that claim they have ORIGINAL designer bags for sale but that the bags they are selling are just factory defects. Come on! Seriously?
Companies like Chanel and Louis Vuitton don't have factory defects. They have no "sale bin". Even at the outlet malls, their handbags are still VERY expensive. One of the reasons that they charge so much, and there are many, is that they really do put a lot of effort into making their stuff just right.
I had heard in the past that the selling of replicas as just "factory defects" was taking place, however, I'm really shocked that it works. Folks, if anyone, and I mean anyone, tells you that you can get a REAL / AUTHENTIC / ORIGINAL [inset favourite adjective here] Louis Vuitton or Chanel bag for $200.00, please run as fast as your little legs will take you. You just can't. Not possible. Even if it's a stolen original, the theif or seller knows they can start bidding at a lot higher! The truth is that you are getting a replica. Nothing wrong with that but it's not the real thing.
I don't know about you but I'd rather know full well that I'm carrying a replica handbag, than to be strutting my stuff, thinking I'm carrying the real deal (when I'm so not) and that it's just got a little factory defect. Ugh.
I don't know if I should have a mean giggle or sigh in exasperation!
So moving right along to happier notes. What do you think of this bag?
It's an awesome bag and I have it in my current stock. It's popular and is a very good replica.
Here is it is in the dark brown.
I have it in the tan as well. Awesome colour!
Happy shopping!