Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Greatest Fear

I have been following a handbag site for a couple of months now.  They had some great bags and some really crappy bags.  I'm just nosey and wanted to know where they were getting their bags from.  I'm always interested to know if they use the same factory as I do.  Again, just me being nosey.

Anyway, I logged onto the site yesterday and get this message:

This Account Has Been Suspended

Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.  
Even if it's as innocuous as someone at the company forgot to pay the internet company, this can't be reassuring for anyone. 
I have been checking the site every hour and no change has been made to rectify the issue to have the site back up.   I don't know about you guys, but if I placed an order and then saw this message a few days later, I'd be scared.  On the phone with my credit card company and desperately trying to reach someone at this company. 
When I was being nosey and going through their site, I only found one area that had an email address.  I wrote to them to query a handbag.  It took 2 full days to get a response.  By the time they wrote back I had forgotten I had written to them!
When I did get the response, they only answered half my question and the other half they answered incorrectly, as in they misunderstood what I was trying to ask.  I sent off another email clarifying my question further and again it took another 2 days to get an answer!  At that rate, I'd buy a bag from in a year!  I need answers now!, not 2 days from now!  
The site did have a North American phone number listed and when I tried it, it was disconnected.  That should have been my sure sign that something in the milk ain't clean.  And sure enough, the site's completely vanished today. 
Please be careful people.  It's not worth the loss of money and it's definitely not worth the headache.  Know your seller. Have regular, reliable dialogue with them.