Since I'm in this business, I get a lot of factories / resellers / manufacturers asking me to take a look at their stuff and to sell it.
Without sounding like a snot, most of the stuff that comes my way is garbage. I have to often decline the products. Julia Child, the famous chef once said, "In order to make good food, you have to know what good food is". This same thinking applies to designer handbags too!
I think, with the good privileges in my life, I have been fortunate to own many authentic handbags, and I can see defects easily. I am also very anal about detail. My husband hates it because it often delays things for us, like around vacation time when he's stressing to get bags packed and I insist on checklists.
I have noticed that if a replica company / factory is going to mess up in one area, it's always the replication of the hardware. They may get the leather and the pattern bang on, but then they go mess it up with the hardware - the clasp, or the rings where the handle attaches to the bag, or the handle's buckle. Invariably, the hardware is usually off in colour (so instead of being a toned down gold it's a bright yellow canary gold - gawdy!) or it's just so cheaply applied that it's pulling away from the bag.
I don't know about you guys, but if you were paying $3,000 for a real handbag, it most likely will not fall apart. Nothing gives a fake away more than how poorly the hardware is attached to the bag or the generral look of the hardware.
Always, when buying a replica, look at that detail first. Then focus on material, inside and out, then the labels and how they are applied. Lastly, get a feel for the bag. If it feels lighter than it looks like it should, it's crap. Send it back! Don't buy it.
Buy something that has substance. All the real bags have "presence".
Here's a $1700.00USD Chloe Paddington.
Slated to be the "it" bag for 2005/2006 and yet is still a best seller! The workmanship on my bags is superb! Look at that detailing! You can get a Chloe Paddington from me for $255.00USD and that includes shipping. Hmm...$1700.00USD for the real thing or $255.00USD for a replica that even copies the hardware down to a tee. No brainer!
Happy Shopping!