I have a second awesome deal going up on the site today as well.
I have an LV Monogram Canvas Galliera PM going up today. This had to be my MOST popular bag this summer. It is a very stylish bag. Very ritzy and very cute. Here are some photos from the LV site and some from the factory. I will be posting photos of the actual bag tomorrow (I hope).
Here is the story on this one. Even though I write the reason I am selling this bag at a discount on the website and here and anywhere else that I can write, I still have people writing to me and asking the, "but why are you selling it for less than other bags on the site??". Sigh.
Folks, this is a business. It is run by me in Canada and I have reps in China that send out the stuff either to me directly or they send it to YOU directly depending on the type of service you choose. Generally, bags come to me if they are being distributed in North America. This saves money for everyone and it takes out the fear that some people have with customs and seizure. That is all fine and dandy, right? You with me so far?
Here is where human error comes in. Through communication, though reading incorrectly, through just that pesky thing called being human, mistakes are made. For instance the LV Monogram Galliera PM from above? It was supposed to be a Damier Azur bag that went to a great customer of mine in Latvia.
I messed up. Yes. Me. I ordered a Monogram Canvas bag. Why? I don't know. It's hard to believe but I make mistakes too [Big Grin]. Actually, I had ordered SO MANY Monogram Galliera bags this summer that I probably just assumed that my customer in Latvia wanted that bag as well. Well, she didn't.
So out of errors that I have to ultimately fix for my customers, I get bags that I cannot keep. I cannot keep them because my husband is tapping his foot as I type this to get rid of the excess of bags that I have acquired either through errors or through samples that various factories send me.
Now I am one of those people that will stockpile bags with the very good intent that one day I will use it. I don't. I just cannot get through all these bags. Even with the help of girlfriends, I cannot get through all the samples alone that I get in a given year. Sweet Jesus.
So what do I do?
I sell them off to you guys first at a very low price. I need to move them. I don't (and my husband certainly doesn't) want them at the house. Whatever I don't sell to you guys, I donate to women's shelters. Those ladies have absolutely no concern if the bag is a replica or not. They are usually women trying to start their lives over and they are happy to have a new handbag.
That's the story. If there is damage to a bag and I need to get rid of it, first of all you will see that it is selling for less than $100.00 (when it normally retails or over $260.00) and secondly I will HONESTLY state that there is X, Y or Z damage to it. If the bag is perfectly new and it has not been used, I will HONESTLY state this as well. If the bag is a return from an error made by me or the factory, then guess what? I will HONESTLY state that as well.
I really don't want to play games or try to swindle you out of, you know a whopping $150.00, for a bag. I'd rather not get into the name calling, the stalking and the other BS that a lot of people seem to have unlimited time to participate in. I am genuinely offering the bag because I a) need to get rid of it and b) want someone to enjoy a good bag for a discounted price. Some of you can read into that and think, "oh man she's trying to rip me off with a broken bag or a piece of junk". Great. You can think that. I suggest you don't ever buy anything from the internet. I also suggest you not contact me to ask me if that is the case. It's a waste of my time and negativity that I absolutely despise.
I truly find a lot of students peruse my site and they cannot always afford the $260.00 or more for a bag. I know I sure couldn't when I was a student. I have noticed that a big percentage of buyers from the Deals and Bargain Bin are students. For that reason alone it's a great incentive to keep bags in the Bin!
The LV Monogram Galliera PM (the most popular size) is BRAND SPANKING NEW, not used, not damaged, is on sale now for $160.00USD plus shipping (about $15.00usd to Canada and the US).
Happy Shopping...and have a nice day to the natural born cynics!!