Folks, sorry for the absence. I needed a break to get my head from spinning from the BUY TWO GET ONE FREE special. Finally got the last of the bags out!
So I am irritated. I am irritated that as reading, somewhat educated people, buyers have a hard time understanding how business works. Firstly, I must type this your shipment will take 7 to 10 BUSINESS DAYS. BUSINESS DAYS. BUSINESS DAYS like at least 1000 times a week.
I actually do understand that 90% of us don't work in trade or importing and so understanding shipping times, mail, border restrictions, etc., is a mystery. But I know all of you have filed a tax return. You can't tell me you have never ever dealt with the mail system. You know that when the government says the cheque is in the mail, you don't call them back or harass them until a good long time (at least another week) has passed.
I get people who place an order at 1pm on any given day and by 5pm are sending me threatening emails about how they have not received their bag! *Dumb stare right now*
I STILL get people who do not understand that mail, MAIL, does not move on weekends. Sure YOU may have Saturday delivery in your region but that funny thing called the REST OF THE WORLD does not necessarily have that. So if mail is not moving in another part of the world due to it being this obscure thing called, "a weekend day", then I can assure you that your bag is not moving.
I have other people who want me to call the Post Office and find out where their bag is. "Call the Post Office". Right because when the bag is sent from China to me, it has a GPS on it so that I can track it on my magnificently large satellite dish that I stole from NASA, just for this purpose.
I get the same thing as you. It's called a tracking number. If you really need to know, it's not a tracking number at all. It's really a reassurance number. It tells me that the package is "coming" at some point. It's been sent and lastly it gives me recourse if I never receive the package. It's a "tracker" mostly for insurance purposes. So if you give me a hard time about how your tracking number is not telling you anything, or that you simply don't get why it takes at least 7 to 10 BUSINESS (say it with my people BUSINESS) days then my only advice to you is to NOT ORDER from the internet. While the Sears, Nordstroms and Amazons offer a rush delivery service, they charge you for it. They also have the product in stock or they don't offer any delivery.
I have stated this many times but I'll state it again that this business is not Wal-mart. It is not Sears. It is far from any of those entities. So why would you come to a small website and expect Sears or Wal-mart is beyond me.
Having said all of that mouthful, I am getting a bit annoyed by people's sheer ignorance on the matter. It's not a difficult concept yet some people still act like it's 4th year calculus.
Mail is mail. You cannot rush it. It is not going to move faster because you keep writing me. It certainly won't move faster because you write me a nasty or threatening email. Threaten away. You package is still going to take 7 to 10 BUSINESS (<-----DOES NOT INCLUDE WEEKENDS!!) days.
Don't like it? Don't order a bag from any site then. That is the minimum for all sites.
Happy Shopping!!