Please note that the website is kinda sorta back up. I am really having a hard time with a new server. I have not been able to do ANYTHING due to server issues.
I will be now at Please update your browsers to reflect the change in web address. I will be updating the blog shortly. I am just bogged with work for the site and orders right now.
I will not be taking any new orders for the remainder of September. I cannot keep up!
Happy October, folks. In October!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Domain Name Down for a Couple of Days
Please note that my website is having major issues. I am trying to move a domain name. It's taking forever.
Please visit the site at until the issue is resolved.
My apologies for any inconvenience.
Please visit the site at until the issue is resolved.
My apologies for any inconvenience.
So last week, I was feeling adventuresome and I thought I'd go out online and check out my competitors. Recently I have had a surge of new wholesalers (people who buy large quantities of my stuff and then resell at house parties, to friends, etc.), and some of them told me they had been scammed, given poor quality items, promised one thing and got another, etc.
One guy called me and told me that he was dealing with a REALLY BIG online site and was told explicitly by their customer service people that the Hermes Crocodile Birkin replica was made with REAL CROCODILE skin.
I know this for a fact because I was on that site back in 2008 and got the exact same information. I laughed it off at the time (folks, if you and I try to buy crocodile skin to sew our own bag, it costs about $1,000 per metre, if not more). I was a bit surprised to hear that 2.5 years later, they are still claiming their bags are real crocodile or real ostrich or real snake. I used the same customer service this past weekend and sure enough, the rep, with great confidence, told me that the bag was indeed made with real exotic skin. This time, I didn't laugh it off. I started my barrage of questions. Asking him how that would be possible and how the bag is only retailing for $365.00usd online when indeed the cost of JUST THE SKIN would be more than that! After about 5 minutes, his "supervisor" came on to tell me that indeed the bag is not real crocodile but rather embossed cowhide (yeah, no shit).
A real Hermes Birkin in crocodile skin costs about $40,000 (actually more if it's a limited edition) but let's say $40,000 to keep costs low *smile*. About 80-90%% of that is the Hermes name and the amazing craftsmanship that goes into making the bag. The rest is the cost of the HIGH QUALITY skin that they use. Crocodiles are not cows. They are not bred the same way. Their skin has to be a certain number of years old before its even usable for something like a bag and, because it's hard as nails, it needs to be conditioned, tanned and made pliable to be made into a bag. THERE IS NO WAY A REPLICA FACTORY IN CHINA IS GOING TO USE REAL CROCODILE (or any exotic skin) FOR HANDBAGS.
While this may seem obvious, it's not a time to judge. I have had about 25 people in the past year write to me to ask me if they purchased a crocodile skin bag from me would it indeed be real crocodile? They all wrote to me after ordering a bag from some other site that had convinced them that the bag they would receive would indeed be real exotic skin.
Folks, be careful. In these tough economic times, and they really are tough, people will sell you the Brooklyn bridge and / or some awesome swamp land in Florida to make a buck. Please ask questions and please make sure you know the ins and outs of replica items before you buy them. When in doubt, always ask!
Please note that this post is IN NO WAY putting down the embossed leathers. This post was written to ensure you understand that no replica item is going to be made with real exotic skins. I actually don't think many people do a good job with the embossed leathers, BUT, I do wholeheartedly and honestly believe that the Hermes factory does the best job. Many of you have bought a crocodile skin Birkin from me to write later on that the bag feels very real. And it does. I think that factory has done an impeccable job in making cowhide look and feel, as much as possible, to real crocodile skin.
Quick tip for you all. If you absolutely must have the most REAL looking exotic skin bag. Like you HAVE TO HAVE EXOTIC SKIN but you need it to look AS REAL AS POSSIBLE, always buy good quality embossed ostrich skin. Again, I have seen many, many variations but the Hermes factory that I deal with has it spot on. About 15 years ago, here in Canada, ostrich was supposed to be the new beef. Everyone was opening up ostrich farms because the meat was supposed to be leaner, healthier and cheaper to harvest. So around that same times, there was a lot of ostrich skin for sale and a lot of secondary businesses were buying the skins and making neat items out of them.
I remember getting a pair of gloves made of ostrich skin about 12 years ago. I am not even joking when I say that I still have those gloves and they are used almost every winter. Ostrich is a very, very good leather (and meat - yum). My point in that digression is that I know what real ostrich skin looks like (I worked on an ostrich farm to go through university) and as far as replicas go, the ostrich skin seems to be the best replicated.
Long story short? If you absolutely must have an exotic skin, and it must look as real as possible, buy Hermes ostrich skin bags. If you absolutely must have a crocodile or alligator look and you need the best that the replica market can offer, buy Hermes products from a reputable reseller. And lastly, never ever believe anyone that tells you that their bags are made with real exotic skins. When a person says that to you, they lose all credibility on other counts. Therefore: RUN!!
Happy Shopping!!
One guy called me and told me that he was dealing with a REALLY BIG online site and was told explicitly by their customer service people that the Hermes Crocodile Birkin replica was made with REAL CROCODILE skin.
I know this for a fact because I was on that site back in 2008 and got the exact same information. I laughed it off at the time (folks, if you and I try to buy crocodile skin to sew our own bag, it costs about $1,000 per metre, if not more). I was a bit surprised to hear that 2.5 years later, they are still claiming their bags are real crocodile or real ostrich or real snake. I used the same customer service this past weekend and sure enough, the rep, with great confidence, told me that the bag was indeed made with real exotic skin. This time, I didn't laugh it off. I started my barrage of questions. Asking him how that would be possible and how the bag is only retailing for $365.00usd online when indeed the cost of JUST THE SKIN would be more than that! After about 5 minutes, his "supervisor" came on to tell me that indeed the bag is not real crocodile but rather embossed cowhide (yeah, no shit).
A real Hermes Birkin in crocodile skin costs about $40,000 (actually more if it's a limited edition) but let's say $40,000 to keep costs low *smile*. About 80-90%% of that is the Hermes name and the amazing craftsmanship that goes into making the bag. The rest is the cost of the HIGH QUALITY skin that they use. Crocodiles are not cows. They are not bred the same way. Their skin has to be a certain number of years old before its even usable for something like a bag and, because it's hard as nails, it needs to be conditioned, tanned and made pliable to be made into a bag. THERE IS NO WAY A REPLICA FACTORY IN CHINA IS GOING TO USE REAL CROCODILE (or any exotic skin) FOR HANDBAGS.
While this may seem obvious, it's not a time to judge. I have had about 25 people in the past year write to me to ask me if they purchased a crocodile skin bag from me would it indeed be real crocodile? They all wrote to me after ordering a bag from some other site that had convinced them that the bag they would receive would indeed be real exotic skin.
Folks, be careful. In these tough economic times, and they really are tough, people will sell you the Brooklyn bridge and / or some awesome swamp land in Florida to make a buck. Please ask questions and please make sure you know the ins and outs of replica items before you buy them. When in doubt, always ask!
Please note that this post is IN NO WAY putting down the embossed leathers. This post was written to ensure you understand that no replica item is going to be made with real exotic skins. I actually don't think many people do a good job with the embossed leathers, BUT, I do wholeheartedly and honestly believe that the Hermes factory does the best job. Many of you have bought a crocodile skin Birkin from me to write later on that the bag feels very real. And it does. I think that factory has done an impeccable job in making cowhide look and feel, as much as possible, to real crocodile skin.
Quick tip for you all. If you absolutely must have the most REAL looking exotic skin bag. Like you HAVE TO HAVE EXOTIC SKIN but you need it to look AS REAL AS POSSIBLE, always buy good quality embossed ostrich skin. Again, I have seen many, many variations but the Hermes factory that I deal with has it spot on. About 15 years ago, here in Canada, ostrich was supposed to be the new beef. Everyone was opening up ostrich farms because the meat was supposed to be leaner, healthier and cheaper to harvest. So around that same times, there was a lot of ostrich skin for sale and a lot of secondary businesses were buying the skins and making neat items out of them.
I remember getting a pair of gloves made of ostrich skin about 12 years ago. I am not even joking when I say that I still have those gloves and they are used almost every winter. Ostrich is a very, very good leather (and meat - yum). My point in that digression is that I know what real ostrich skin looks like (I worked on an ostrich farm to go through university) and as far as replicas go, the ostrich skin seems to be the best replicated.
Long story short? If you absolutely must have an exotic skin, and it must look as real as possible, buy Hermes ostrich skin bags. If you absolutely must have a crocodile or alligator look and you need the best that the replica market can offer, buy Hermes products from a reputable reseller. And lastly, never ever believe anyone that tells you that their bags are made with real exotic skins. When a person says that to you, they lose all credibility on other counts. Therefore: RUN!!
Happy Shopping!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Alexander McQueen
This past summer, I got some FANTASTIC Alexander McQueen clutches, the Skull Box and the Knuckle box from my factory rep. He sent them to me and told me that I should enjoy them for myself as these bags are EXPENSIVE! So, being cheap, I asked him how come McQueen bags were costing so bloody much? I also went around the internet and found that NONE of the other major replica handbag sites were selling McQueen. Gee, now I know why.
I thought I would leave Mr. McQueen be since he was way too expensive and, up until recently, I have not had a lot of people asking about the line.
Lately, and mostly this September, I have been inundated with requests for Alexander McQueen. Folks, I have to tell you that this line is SUPER DUPER expensive. It's not my doing. No, I am not greedily counting all the money I make from this line. I can honestly say that after all is said and done, due to the high price of these handbags, I am lucky if I get lunch money out of it.
I have put the McQueen bags on the site tonight. They retail for, umm, are you sitting down? Good. $325usd and that includes a new home.. Just kidding! That only includes shipping to Canada and the US. Everywhere else is gonna be $20.00 extra for shipping.
So are they worth it? Well, to be honest: YES!! If you want a really modern, contemporary and SUPER hip clutch, this is the bag to get. No doubt. I am amazed at how well the replica has been put together.
I went to the US last weekend SPECIFICALLY to find a boutique that sells McQueen merchandise so that I could compare. Okay, let me rephrase that. I went the US last weekend SPECIFICALLY to find a boutique that sells McQueen merchandise, WITH VERY FEW SALES REPS, so that I could compare my replica to the real thing! There. Happy?
So here's me, taking in a replica bag, to see the McQueen merchandise. I checked the following things:
This is what I found out. To me, a bag like the Skull Box clutch needs to weigh about the same as the original bag. A serious weight discrepancy would look and feel "cheap" to me. The two clutches weighed the same. I liked that a lot. That was a big thing for me.
Next was the clasp. I need to buy a bag that I know won't cheap me out in the clasp down the road. Nothing is worse than a broken replica and / or a replica bag that won't close properly! I hate that. The clasp on the replica was very good. Tight but not absurd that you need your husband or two girlfriends to open it. It was normal and it stayed "clasped" even as I have dropped it to the floor to ensure that it can take some bump and grind.
The replica and the real bag look very much alike. I saw no differences from a distance at all. I usually can spot something but in this case, I saw nothing. Even the shape and cut out of the skull in the metal looked the same. I checked that to be sure since I that too would be important to me.
To me, the Skull and Knuckle Box with the crystals FAR OUTWEIGHED the embossed python. Again, I have written this many times but if you want to give the impression that you're carrying a genuine bag, then don't buy replica bags with exotic skins. In any replica, despite what some sites tell you *more on this in next post* all exotic skins are also replicated. That means they are simply embossed with the pattern of the animal. Crocodile is "mock croc", alligator is embossed alligator, python and snake and ostrich are simple embossed as well. No replica on this planet, NONE, uses real exotic skins. If you want a genuine looking McQueen clutch, go with the one with the crystals. The real bag does have Swarovski crystals. The replica I have DOES NOT. I don't know why other sites lie about this stuff. I guess they're hoping that either people buy their BS or that they don't question it.
Alternatively, if you're like me and don't care about what other people think but dig exotic skins (yet have issues with exotic animals dying for my handbags - don't ask. I'm complicated like this), then an exotic skin bag is fine. Now, also keep in mind that only a small percentage of people in this world know the difference between embossed leather and real exotic skin. Not every Tom, Dick and Harry that you meet will even know.
Quality of the whole bag versus the replica is VERY GOOD. I would not hesitate to get the replica McQueen clutch. In fact I'd prefer it. The real bag sets you back about $2,000USD. Yikes. For a clutch! For a bag that you're gonna use ONLY for nights out, not everyday! Yikes. Double Yikes.
All Alexander McQueen clutches are on the site now and retail for, well, umm, *looks down and whispers* $325usd.
Happy Shopping!!
I thought I would leave Mr. McQueen be since he was way too expensive and, up until recently, I have not had a lot of people asking about the line.
Lately, and mostly this September, I have been inundated with requests for Alexander McQueen. Folks, I have to tell you that this line is SUPER DUPER expensive. It's not my doing. No, I am not greedily counting all the money I make from this line. I can honestly say that after all is said and done, due to the high price of these handbags, I am lucky if I get lunch money out of it.
I have put the McQueen bags on the site tonight. They retail for, umm, are you sitting down? Good. $325usd and that includes a new home.. Just kidding! That only includes shipping to Canada and the US. Everywhere else is gonna be $20.00 extra for shipping.
So are they worth it? Well, to be honest: YES!! If you want a really modern, contemporary and SUPER hip clutch, this is the bag to get. No doubt. I am amazed at how well the replica has been put together.
I went to the US last weekend SPECIFICALLY to find a boutique that sells McQueen merchandise so that I could compare. Okay, let me rephrase that. I went the US last weekend SPECIFICALLY to find a boutique that sells McQueen merchandise, WITH VERY FEW SALES REPS, so that I could compare my replica to the real thing! There. Happy?
So here's me, taking in a replica bag, to see the McQueen merchandise. I checked the following things:
- Weight of the bag;
- Closing strength of the clasp;
- Close resemblance to the skull on real to replica;
- Crystals versus python skin quality;
- Quality of whole replica versus real.
This is what I found out. To me, a bag like the Skull Box clutch needs to weigh about the same as the original bag. A serious weight discrepancy would look and feel "cheap" to me. The two clutches weighed the same. I liked that a lot. That was a big thing for me.
Next was the clasp. I need to buy a bag that I know won't cheap me out in the clasp down the road. Nothing is worse than a broken replica and / or a replica bag that won't close properly! I hate that. The clasp on the replica was very good. Tight but not absurd that you need your husband or two girlfriends to open it. It was normal and it stayed "clasped" even as I have dropped it to the floor to ensure that it can take some bump and grind.
The replica and the real bag look very much alike. I saw no differences from a distance at all. I usually can spot something but in this case, I saw nothing. Even the shape and cut out of the skull in the metal looked the same. I checked that to be sure since I that too would be important to me.
To me, the Skull and Knuckle Box with the crystals FAR OUTWEIGHED the embossed python. Again, I have written this many times but if you want to give the impression that you're carrying a genuine bag, then don't buy replica bags with exotic skins. In any replica, despite what some sites tell you *more on this in next post* all exotic skins are also replicated. That means they are simply embossed with the pattern of the animal. Crocodile is "mock croc", alligator is embossed alligator, python and snake and ostrich are simple embossed as well. No replica on this planet, NONE, uses real exotic skins. If you want a genuine looking McQueen clutch, go with the one with the crystals. The real bag does have Swarovski crystals. The replica I have DOES NOT. I don't know why other sites lie about this stuff. I guess they're hoping that either people buy their BS or that they don't question it.
Alternatively, if you're like me and don't care about what other people think but dig exotic skins (yet have issues with exotic animals dying for my handbags - don't ask. I'm complicated like this), then an exotic skin bag is fine. Now, also keep in mind that only a small percentage of people in this world know the difference between embossed leather and real exotic skin. Not every Tom, Dick and Harry that you meet will even know.
![]() |
This is the one I have in real life and used to compare to the genuine McQueen. |
Quality of the whole bag versus the replica is VERY GOOD. I would not hesitate to get the replica McQueen clutch. In fact I'd prefer it. The real bag sets you back about $2,000USD. Yikes. For a clutch! For a bag that you're gonna use ONLY for nights out, not everyday! Yikes. Double Yikes.
All Alexander McQueen clutches are on the site now and retail for, well, umm, *looks down and whispers* $325usd.
Happy Shopping!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
I know it's been over a week. No, I'm not dead. Not yet anyway. I am however suffering MAJOR website blues. I won't go into it right now because I'm still fuming mad but it looks like all the products are going up on the same old site. I really have no choice but to build ONE mega site. Very frustrating. Will go into more details later.
I am here today to tell you a secret. I'm a bit of a wallet geek. No, me being a geek is not a secret. My knowing a good wallet from a bad wallet is the secret.
A good wallet allows you to hold all your cards securely. I used to have an expensive REAL designer wallet a few years ago and once the leather stretched a bit and the cards settled in, they'd always fall out because the amazing leather on that wallet had just become too relaxed. That's not the leather's fault. It was my fault for overloading cards in there, stretching the leather and then expecting half the cards to be held in place. Yeah, that didn't go over so well.
Over the years, I have found that a good wallet is like a good assistant. Now before you laugh, a good wallet needs to be reliable, durable, orderly, and most importantly stylish (we all need a stylish assistant - go with me ;) ).
Right now I'd invest in two or three makes of wallet. The first one hands down is HERMES. Yes, I know. I should just run a site of Hermes products. Folks, it is a kick ass wallet. No joke. Made to last at least 4 to 7 years. That right there tells you a lot. I love changing up my handbags but let me tell you I very much dislike changing my wallet. I need that order and that recognition FAST. I hate a new wallet and looking for a points card or trying to find a stamp. That is utter frustration.
The second wallet that I'd highly recommend is a brand called Mulberry. I have talked about this brand before . Few know of it and my favourite line when I mention it is how a lady wrote to me and told me I was a moron because the brand was actually called, Burberry!! Right-o. Thanks.
But aside from my cheeky jab, Mulberry wallets are super duper well made and once you find out what they are, you'll see that they have quite the following. Mulberry brand is a durable, to be used, work horse type of handbag and wallet. They are not pansy. Their stuff looks great. Feels awesome and takes you from a boardroom to a party in 60 seconds flat.
I have FINALLY gotten all the Mulberry wallets on the site. Yes, I got up extra early today hoping the Nobel people in Sweden would call but alas, I think they did not like my quests in replica Mulberry wallets. Pffft. Snobs. :)
Well, I am going to pat myself on my back and say it again, ALL MULBERRY WALLETS (PURSES) ARE NOW ON THE SITE!!
If you're in the market for a good wallet, I strongly recommend either an Hermes or a Mulberry. You will not be disappointed with the quality, the durability and the practicality.
Most wallets are $125.00usd and that includes shipping to North America. $10.00 extra to Western Europe and $20.00 to the rest of the world!
Happy Shopping!!
I am here today to tell you a secret. I'm a bit of a wallet geek. No, me being a geek is not a secret. My knowing a good wallet from a bad wallet is the secret.
A good wallet allows you to hold all your cards securely. I used to have an expensive REAL designer wallet a few years ago and once the leather stretched a bit and the cards settled in, they'd always fall out because the amazing leather on that wallet had just become too relaxed. That's not the leather's fault. It was my fault for overloading cards in there, stretching the leather and then expecting half the cards to be held in place. Yeah, that didn't go over so well.
Over the years, I have found that a good wallet is like a good assistant. Now before you laugh, a good wallet needs to be reliable, durable, orderly, and most importantly stylish (we all need a stylish assistant - go with me ;) ).
Right now I'd invest in two or three makes of wallet. The first one hands down is HERMES. Yes, I know. I should just run a site of Hermes products. Folks, it is a kick ass wallet. No joke. Made to last at least 4 to 7 years. That right there tells you a lot. I love changing up my handbags but let me tell you I very much dislike changing my wallet. I need that order and that recognition FAST. I hate a new wallet and looking for a points card or trying to find a stamp. That is utter frustration.
The second wallet that I'd highly recommend is a brand called Mulberry. I have talked about this brand before . Few know of it and my favourite line when I mention it is how a lady wrote to me and told me I was a moron because the brand was actually called, Burberry!! Right-o. Thanks.
But aside from my cheeky jab, Mulberry wallets are super duper well made and once you find out what they are, you'll see that they have quite the following. Mulberry brand is a durable, to be used, work horse type of handbag and wallet. They are not pansy. Their stuff looks great. Feels awesome and takes you from a boardroom to a party in 60 seconds flat.
I have FINALLY gotten all the Mulberry wallets on the site. Yes, I got up extra early today hoping the Nobel people in Sweden would call but alas, I think they did not like my quests in replica Mulberry wallets. Pffft. Snobs. :)
Well, I am going to pat myself on my back and say it again, ALL MULBERRY WALLETS (PURSES) ARE NOW ON THE SITE!!
If you're in the market for a good wallet, I strongly recommend either an Hermes or a Mulberry. You will not be disappointed with the quality, the durability and the practicality.
Most wallets are $125.00usd and that includes shipping to North America. $10.00 extra to Western Europe and $20.00 to the rest of the world!
Happy Shopping!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Gucci Fall Coat
Folks, I have gotten a tremendous response to coats and jackets since I started putting them up on the blog. I know I should ideally get these on the site sooner than later, but if you have detected that I am in a foul mood, you are right. Everything with the sites that can go wrong is going wrong!
I am very cranky and sensitive to the words "websites", "issues" and "e-commerce". I hope to have resolution very soon (this weekend) but until then, please enjoy two broken websites!! You can still pay on the old site. It's the coding of the new site that is causing me more grey hair than I need at this age.
Having said that, I need something to smile about!
I have gotten a lot of requests for coats cut for "real women" and trust me I hear ya!
I have this one but I'll have a few more in the coming weeks. This is an excellent Gucci fall coat.
It's a loose ample wrap cut. I love that it has the big sleeves and massive collar! A look I can never get enough of. I have this coat and am wearing it in our pre-winter. If you are in Canada, you know what I'm talking about. It is ABSOLUTELY freezing here. Frrrrrreeezing.
I am not even half joking when I say that we are taking out the goose duvet comforter tonight. Brrrr.
The Gucci coat comes in that awesome camel and black highlight as well as this hot, hot, hot colour of the season: charcoal.
Here is the coat on a run way model. You know, how all of us look on day to day basis.
New Gucci Wrap Coat is $140usd and that includes shipping and inspection to the US and Canada!
Happy Shopping...back to coding!!
I am very cranky and sensitive to the words "websites", "issues" and "e-commerce". I hope to have resolution very soon (this weekend) but until then, please enjoy two broken websites!! You can still pay on the old site. It's the coding of the new site that is causing me more grey hair than I need at this age.
Having said that, I need something to smile about!
I have gotten a lot of requests for coats cut for "real women" and trust me I hear ya!
I have this one but I'll have a few more in the coming weeks. This is an excellent Gucci fall coat.
It's a loose ample wrap cut. I love that it has the big sleeves and massive collar! A look I can never get enough of. I have this coat and am wearing it in our pre-winter. If you are in Canada, you know what I'm talking about. It is ABSOLUTELY freezing here. Frrrrrreeezing.
I am not even half joking when I say that we are taking out the goose duvet comforter tonight. Brrrr.
The Gucci coat comes in that awesome camel and black highlight as well as this hot, hot, hot colour of the season: charcoal.
Here is the coat on a run way model. You know, how all of us look on day to day basis.
New Gucci Wrap Coat is $140usd and that includes shipping and inspection to the US and Canada!
Happy Shopping...back to coding!!
New Marc Jacobs
I am starting to see the new bags coming in. Before I post them here for you to buy, I usually want to see them live to ensure they are of good quality. Some bags get rushed through any assembly line and isn't always a good thing.
Here is awesome new Marc Jacobs. Marc must be having some ad or commercial on TV or he's been mentioned on some movie or TV show. I have gotten a ton of requests for Marc Jacobs bags. I love his stuff. Even in replica form it is made very well and it is durable. It is not, like Prada and Miu Miu, made to be work horse bags. These bags are more accent pieces and are made to look good or complete an outfit.
I will say that Marc Jacobs bags are made a bit more durable than Prada or Miu Miu bags.
This bag is embossed ostrich skin. While I find the exotic skins hard to replicate, I honestly believe that if you want a bag with an exotic skin look, ostrich is the best one to go for. Unlike crocodile, alligator or snake, it is one of the easier skins to replicate using cowhide.
For this reason, it is also harder to tell that the bag is embossed ostrich and not real ostrich and therefore harder to ascertain that the bag is a replica. Crocodile, alligator and snake are very hard to replicate. Even the best embossing techniques leave little doubt that the bag is embossed cowhide and thus that hint is the best giveaway that he bag is a replica.
This new Marc Jacobs bag comes in that awesome dark brown above but also in black.
New Marc Jabobs bags will be on the site by the end of this weekend. The bags above retails for $260.00USD and includes shipping and inspection service to Canada and the US.
Happy Shopping!!
Here is awesome new Marc Jacobs. Marc must be having some ad or commercial on TV or he's been mentioned on some movie or TV show. I have gotten a ton of requests for Marc Jacobs bags. I love his stuff. Even in replica form it is made very well and it is durable. It is not, like Prada and Miu Miu, made to be work horse bags. These bags are more accent pieces and are made to look good or complete an outfit.
I will say that Marc Jacobs bags are made a bit more durable than Prada or Miu Miu bags.
This bag is embossed ostrich skin. While I find the exotic skins hard to replicate, I honestly believe that if you want a bag with an exotic skin look, ostrich is the best one to go for. Unlike crocodile, alligator or snake, it is one of the easier skins to replicate using cowhide.
For this reason, it is also harder to tell that the bag is embossed ostrich and not real ostrich and therefore harder to ascertain that the bag is a replica. Crocodile, alligator and snake are very hard to replicate. Even the best embossing techniques leave little doubt that the bag is embossed cowhide and thus that hint is the best giveaway that he bag is a replica.
This new Marc Jacobs bag comes in that awesome dark brown above but also in black.
New Marc Jabobs bags will be on the site by the end of this weekend. The bags above retails for $260.00USD and includes shipping and inspection service to Canada and the US.
Happy Shopping!!
Second Awesome Deal
I have a second awesome deal going up on the site today as well.
I have an LV Monogram Canvas Galliera PM going up today. This had to be my MOST popular bag this summer. It is a very stylish bag. Very ritzy and very cute. Here are some photos from the LV site and some from the factory. I will be posting photos of the actual bag tomorrow (I hope).
Here is the story on this one. Even though I write the reason I am selling this bag at a discount on the website and here and anywhere else that I can write, I still have people writing to me and asking the, "but why are you selling it for less than other bags on the site??". Sigh.
Folks, this is a business. It is run by me in Canada and I have reps in China that send out the stuff either to me directly or they send it to YOU directly depending on the type of service you choose. Generally, bags come to me if they are being distributed in North America. This saves money for everyone and it takes out the fear that some people have with customs and seizure. That is all fine and dandy, right? You with me so far?
Here is where human error comes in. Through communication, though reading incorrectly, through just that pesky thing called being human, mistakes are made. For instance the LV Monogram Galliera PM from above? It was supposed to be a Damier Azur bag that went to a great customer of mine in Latvia.
I messed up. Yes. Me. I ordered a Monogram Canvas bag. Why? I don't know. It's hard to believe but I make mistakes too [Big Grin]. Actually, I had ordered SO MANY Monogram Galliera bags this summer that I probably just assumed that my customer in Latvia wanted that bag as well. Well, she didn't.
So out of errors that I have to ultimately fix for my customers, I get bags that I cannot keep. I cannot keep them because my husband is tapping his foot as I type this to get rid of the excess of bags that I have acquired either through errors or through samples that various factories send me.
Now I am one of those people that will stockpile bags with the very good intent that one day I will use it. I don't. I just cannot get through all these bags. Even with the help of girlfriends, I cannot get through all the samples alone that I get in a given year. Sweet Jesus.
So what do I do?
I sell them off to you guys first at a very low price. I need to move them. I don't (and my husband certainly doesn't) want them at the house. Whatever I don't sell to you guys, I donate to women's shelters. Those ladies have absolutely no concern if the bag is a replica or not. They are usually women trying to start their lives over and they are happy to have a new handbag.
That's the story. If there is damage to a bag and I need to get rid of it, first of all you will see that it is selling for less than $100.00 (when it normally retails or over $260.00) and secondly I will HONESTLY state that there is X, Y or Z damage to it. If the bag is perfectly new and it has not been used, I will HONESTLY state this as well. If the bag is a return from an error made by me or the factory, then guess what? I will HONESTLY state that as well.
I really don't want to play games or try to swindle you out of, you know a whopping $150.00, for a bag. I'd rather not get into the name calling, the stalking and the other BS that a lot of people seem to have unlimited time to participate in. I am genuinely offering the bag because I a) need to get rid of it and b) want someone to enjoy a good bag for a discounted price. Some of you can read into that and think, "oh man she's trying to rip me off with a broken bag or a piece of junk". Great. You can think that. I suggest you don't ever buy anything from the internet. I also suggest you not contact me to ask me if that is the case. It's a waste of my time and negativity that I absolutely despise.
I truly find a lot of students peruse my site and they cannot always afford the $260.00 or more for a bag. I know I sure couldn't when I was a student. I have noticed that a big percentage of buyers from the Deals and Bargain Bin are students. For that reason alone it's a great incentive to keep bags in the Bin!
The LV Monogram Galliera PM (the most popular size) is BRAND SPANKING NEW, not used, not damaged, is on sale now for $160.00USD plus shipping (about $15.00usd to Canada and the US).
Happy Shopping...and have a nice day to the natural born cynics!!
I have an LV Monogram Canvas Galliera PM going up today. This had to be my MOST popular bag this summer. It is a very stylish bag. Very ritzy and very cute. Here are some photos from the LV site and some from the factory. I will be posting photos of the actual bag tomorrow (I hope).
Here is the story on this one. Even though I write the reason I am selling this bag at a discount on the website and here and anywhere else that I can write, I still have people writing to me and asking the, "but why are you selling it for less than other bags on the site??". Sigh.
Folks, this is a business. It is run by me in Canada and I have reps in China that send out the stuff either to me directly or they send it to YOU directly depending on the type of service you choose. Generally, bags come to me if they are being distributed in North America. This saves money for everyone and it takes out the fear that some people have with customs and seizure. That is all fine and dandy, right? You with me so far?
Here is where human error comes in. Through communication, though reading incorrectly, through just that pesky thing called being human, mistakes are made. For instance the LV Monogram Galliera PM from above? It was supposed to be a Damier Azur bag that went to a great customer of mine in Latvia.
I messed up. Yes. Me. I ordered a Monogram Canvas bag. Why? I don't know. It's hard to believe but I make mistakes too [Big Grin]. Actually, I had ordered SO MANY Monogram Galliera bags this summer that I probably just assumed that my customer in Latvia wanted that bag as well. Well, she didn't.
So out of errors that I have to ultimately fix for my customers, I get bags that I cannot keep. I cannot keep them because my husband is tapping his foot as I type this to get rid of the excess of bags that I have acquired either through errors or through samples that various factories send me.
Now I am one of those people that will stockpile bags with the very good intent that one day I will use it. I don't. I just cannot get through all these bags. Even with the help of girlfriends, I cannot get through all the samples alone that I get in a given year. Sweet Jesus.
So what do I do?
I sell them off to you guys first at a very low price. I need to move them. I don't (and my husband certainly doesn't) want them at the house. Whatever I don't sell to you guys, I donate to women's shelters. Those ladies have absolutely no concern if the bag is a replica or not. They are usually women trying to start their lives over and they are happy to have a new handbag.
That's the story. If there is damage to a bag and I need to get rid of it, first of all you will see that it is selling for less than $100.00 (when it normally retails or over $260.00) and secondly I will HONESTLY state that there is X, Y or Z damage to it. If the bag is perfectly new and it has not been used, I will HONESTLY state this as well. If the bag is a return from an error made by me or the factory, then guess what? I will HONESTLY state that as well.
I really don't want to play games or try to swindle you out of, you know a whopping $150.00, for a bag. I'd rather not get into the name calling, the stalking and the other BS that a lot of people seem to have unlimited time to participate in. I am genuinely offering the bag because I a) need to get rid of it and b) want someone to enjoy a good bag for a discounted price. Some of you can read into that and think, "oh man she's trying to rip me off with a broken bag or a piece of junk". Great. You can think that. I suggest you don't ever buy anything from the internet. I also suggest you not contact me to ask me if that is the case. It's a waste of my time and negativity that I absolutely despise.
I truly find a lot of students peruse my site and they cannot always afford the $260.00 or more for a bag. I know I sure couldn't when I was a student. I have noticed that a big percentage of buyers from the Deals and Bargain Bin are students. For that reason alone it's a great incentive to keep bags in the Bin!
The LV Monogram Galliera PM (the most popular size) is BRAND SPANKING NEW, not used, not damaged, is on sale now for $160.00USD plus shipping (about $15.00usd to Canada and the US).
Happy Shopping...and have a nice day to the natural born cynics!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Awesome Deals!
I have two awesome deals right now. My factory rep has sent me two bags in error. The first one is the ARTSY GM. This is the mammoth granddaddy of all bags. This bag measures Size: 19.7" x 14.1" x 9.8" or 50cm x 36cm x 25cm. I have said it before but this bag is the IDEAL beach bag or the absolute high fashion in going to the gym, family days, etc.
There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with this bag. In error the factory shipped a GM sized bag when indeed a customer has ordered an MM size. The bag is brand new, not used and I caught the error in size when I was inspecting the bag. The bag comes with a dust bag.
The LV Artsy GM is on sale in the DEALS AND BARGAIN BIN for $150.00. Shipping is extra (usually $15.00 to the US and $30.00 to the rest of the world).
I'll post the second deal in a bit. I'm being called to a meeting RIGHT NOW!!
Happy Shopping!!
There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with this bag. In error the factory shipped a GM sized bag when indeed a customer has ordered an MM size. The bag is brand new, not used and I caught the error in size when I was inspecting the bag. The bag comes with a dust bag.
The LV Artsy GM is on sale in the DEALS AND BARGAIN BIN for $150.00. Shipping is extra (usually $15.00 to the US and $30.00 to the rest of the world).
I'll post the second deal in a bit. I'm being called to a meeting RIGHT NOW!!
Happy Shopping!!
RE: Scarves
Folks, it's still very early where I am.
I forgot to add the most important part! All scarves are on the new site now. You can view them here at:
This promotion is only good until October 10, 2010. The free scarves all retail for about $90 to $110 (hat and scarf sets) each so get your free scarf today!
Happy Shopping!!
I forgot to add the most important part! All scarves are on the new site now. You can view them here at:
If you find a scarf that you prefer from the new site, let me know. I'll see if I can get it either as a freebie with your bag purchase OR just charge the difference. I'd rather you get something you like than be limited to the choices that I offer as the freebies! The only ones that I see incurring an extra cost right now are all silk 90x90
This promotion is only good until October 10, 2010. The free scarves all retail for about $90 to $110 (hat and scarf sets) each so get your free scarf today!
Happy Shopping!!
I have the best special on right now to get you ready for this chilly winter.
I originally started this with a special of a Burberry scarf, that is, buy any bag from the site valued at $260 or more and get a free Burberry scarf. One of these:
100% Cashmere. Super warm and comes with a box and so if you don't want it you can gift it.
A lot of you wrote to me and asked for a scarf but an LV or a Prada scarf. And I thought about it and figured that was totally FINE!!
BUY ANY BAG VALUED AT $260 or more and get ONE free scarf. Choose from the scarves pictured below:
lvfre1000 (hat included)
I'm going to add a few more. I just need to ensure they are in stock!
When you order a bag, please enter the code for the scarf that you want, provided you purchase a bag valued at $260usd, or more.
Bundle Up! Winter's coming!
Happy Shopping!!
I originally started this with a special of a Burberry scarf, that is, buy any bag from the site valued at $260 or more and get a free Burberry scarf. One of these:
100% Cashmere. Super warm and comes with a box and so if you don't want it you can gift it.
A lot of you wrote to me and asked for a scarf but an LV or a Prada scarf. And I thought about it and figured that was totally FINE!!
BUY ANY BAG VALUED AT $260 or more and get ONE free scarf. Choose from the scarves pictured below:
lvfre1000 (hat included)
I'm going to add a few more. I just need to ensure they are in stock!
When you order a bag, please enter the code for the scarf that you want, provided you purchase a bag valued at $260usd, or more.
Bundle Up! Winter's coming!
Happy Shopping!!
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