The BUY TWO get ONE FOR FREE special is being held over!! This is due to a couple of reasons. The main one being that I am a lazy dork and have been slack in getting some information to you guys. I know. My rep had a baby and he had the nerve to take a couple of weeks off. To live vicariously through him, I took a couple of weeks off as well. Well, why not?
I had no answers and so I thought, "man, am I tired. Thank God Wu had that baby!!". The other main reason that this sale is held over is that A LOT OF you have told me that July is a costly month (with the kids home - tell me about it!!) and that money is tight. Some of you would appreciate the extra cash that will be present in August and so I thought that made sense to extend the sale. It's not a big thing to me. I'm not Macy's. Nothing is done by the book here, folks.
SO TO BE PERFECTLY CLEAR!! THE BUY TWO GET ONE FREE SALE IS ON UNTIL AUGUST 31, 2010. I wanted to take August off but I think my two weeks in July should be enough.
I don't know about you guys but the kids are home ALL THE TIME NOW. I am so much more tired now than I am when I have nice teachers watching them. I have to do all (with the help of hubby of course) the reading, math, taking them to sports, music lessons, birthday parties, buy this, buy that, etc. It's exhausting.
I swear I've been going to bed around 10pm. Some of you know full well and are used to getting emails from me around 130am. Yeah, those days won't be back until September. I'm too tired!!
There is some fabulous NEW Jimmy Choo handbags. I am in love with his stuff. I mean it's the EXACT opposite of the briefcase! Everything Jimmy does is sexy and just uber breathtaking!
The company melds colour and style together and always come up with a unique and beautiful product! I love this bag. I have no use for small, itty, bitty bags but I love this bag. I'd buy (and then regret the purchase since I cannot use such a small bag) but I'd be proud to own it just because it's so different, so well done and so trendy. The Jimmy Choo replicas are very well done. I find them to be well produced, even though Jimmy Choo is not super duper popular amongst the masses.
This bag looks smaller than it is. It is actually very decent sized. It's by no means a tiny tubular (useless) bag. It's got a good straps and is very comfortable (yes, I have seen it, touched it, and received mine last month and found that to be one of the many good features)
The same bag comes in black:
and this to die for cream colour:
All Jimmy Choo bags are $260.00USD and include shipping and inspection service to Canada and the US.
Happy Shopping!!