Folks, I'm not even half joking when I say that last year I was given the hardest time of MY LIFE by one customer because he thought he'd order gifts for his girlfriend on December 18th, 2009 and hope that they'd be delivered FROM CHINA during a busy XMAS SEASON by December 21st so that he could wrap them to give them to her.
At the same time, I had an awesome guy from the UK write to me about how he had lost his job but had promised his daughter he'd get her a Chloe bag. I had the Chloe bag in my possession and so I sent it via overnight courier (something I NEVER EVER DO for international orders) and he got it in enough time to wrap and give to her.
Going back to the first guy, he was downright scary and called me DAILY as well as sending threatening emails about his shipment. The funny thing is that I would NEVER EVER promise in time XMAS delivery to anyone ordering on the 18th of December!
To avoid that situation again, and even though I did it last year, I am making it clear to everyone that THE CUT OFF FOR ORDERS TO HAVE THEM DELIVERED IN TIME FOR XMAS IS NOVEMBER 15, 2010.
If you order after this date, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR PACKAGE BEING DELIVERED ON TIME. I will however TRY MY DARNDEST TO TRY TO GET THE PACKAGE TO YOU but I cannot promise you that you will have it.
If you order December 18, 2010 and ask me for XMAS delivery, here's my response in advance:
No joke.
Please get your orders in by November 15, 2010. I know I have been very delayed over the past 2 or 3 weeks but I will try to reply to everyone today and tomorrow. Bear with me. PLEASE.
Happy Shopping!!